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      • Generally, SOCCER FUN GAMES are not considered to be “drills” in the traditional sense. While a number of these games may be used as skill drills, most of the drills associated with the Instructional Soccer Program are included within each of the introductory sections for specific skills. › youth-soccer-instructional-coaching-manual › soccer-fun-games-for-kids
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  2. Generally, SOCCER FUN GAMES are not considered to be “drills” in the traditional sense. While a number of these games may be used as skill drills, most of the drills associated with the Instructional Soccer Program are included within each of the introductory sections for specific skills. FUN GAMES ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR TEACHING SKILLS!

  3. Below are some great fun games. They teach kids skills but they’re all about having fun while they learn. With these games in your locker, you'll never risk running a boring coaching session again!

    • Hungry Hippos: Soccer Drill
    • Musical Balls: Soccer Drill
    • Knock Out: Soccer Drill
    • 4 Goal, 3 V 3: Soccer Drill
    • Pass, Layoff, and Shoot: Soccer Drill
    • Fun Heading Warmup Drill: Soccer Drill
    • Crossbar Challenge: Soccer Drill
    • Team Keepy Uppie: Soccer Drill
    • Soccer Tennis: Soccer Drill
    • Passing Rondo: Soccer Drill
    Age Range: 4-6
    Length of Session: 10 mins
    Skills to Learn: dribblingat speed, keeping head up
    Age Range: 4-6
    Length of Session: 10 mins
    Number of Players: any
    Skills to Learn: awareness, speed, coordination
    Age Range: 7-10
    Length of Session: 10-15 mins
    Number of Players: 10-12
    Skills to Learn: dribbling, keeping head up, defending, decision making

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: 4 Goal, 3 V 3 2. Session Length: 10 to 15 minutes 3. Age Group:12+ 4. Number of players: 6 to 18 5. Skills learned: Range of passing, movement, first touch, and interceptions 6. Equipment:4 goals, 1 ball

    Drill Setup

    1. Use a quarter of the training field for this drill. 2. Set up 2 small goals on one end of the field and 2 small goals on the other. 3. Position the goals next to the sidelines. 4. The goals should be approximately 5 yards wide. 5. Divide the team into groups of 3.

    Drill Instructions

    1. This drill is essentially a 3 v 3 game but each team can score 2 different goals. 2. The focus of the drill is on different ranges of passing, teamwork, movement, and positioning. 3. When in possession, a player has a maximum of 3 touches (including a pass). 4. The defending team may not tackle. They can intercept or block passes to gain possession. 5. As the goals are small, players are encouraged to get as close to the goal as possible before shooting. 6. The first team to score 3 goals...

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: Pass, layoff, and shoot 2. Session Length: 5 minutes 3. Age Group: All age groups 4. Number of players: 2 to 18 5. Skills learned:Passing, layoffs, first-time shooting 6. Equipment:2 cones, 1 ball (minimum), 1 goal

    Drill Setup

    1. Use the penalty box for this drill. 2. Set up a full-size goal. Even if there is no goalkeeper, it’s important to practice shooting in a regulation goal. 3. Place 1 cone on the edge of the penalty box near the middle. 4. Place 1 cone 5 yards outside of the penalty box toward center field. 5. P2 stands next to the cone at the edge of the box. P2 is the passer. 6. The rest of the team line up behind P1 at the cone outside the penalty box. 7. P1 starts with the ball.

    Drill Instructions

    1. P1 starts the drill by passing the ballto P2. 2. P1 then sprints toward the box and calls for a return pass. 3. P2 plays a first-time layoff pass in front of P1. 4. P1 takes a touch to control the ball, before shooting on goal. 5. This is also a useful drill for goalkeepers. 6. The next player in the attacking line continues the drill after the first shot is taken. 7. Rotate the passer occasionally.

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: Fun Heading Warmup Drill 2. Session Length: 5 minutes 3. Age Group:All age groups (according to health recommendations in your area) 4. Number of players: 6 to 18 5. Skills learned: Standing and jumping headers, agility, blocking 6. Equipment:2 balls (minimum), 4 cones, 2 agility poles

    Drill Setup

    1. Create a narrow gate by placing 2 cones 3 yards apart. 2. Create an identical narrow gate 10 yards parallel from the first. 3. Create a 5-yard gate using 2 agility poles halfway between the narrow gates. 4. P1 starts between the agility poles. 5. Divide the rest of the team into 2 even groups. 6. 1 group lines up behind gate 1, and the other group lines up behind gate 2. 7. The coach stands outside the playing grid next to the agility polls with multiple balls.

    Drill Instructions

    1. P2 starts the drill by running toward the agility cones while calling for a pass from the coach. 2. The coach throws the ball toward P2. 3. P2 heads the ball, attempting to score between the agility poles. 4. P1 tries to block the header without using their hands. 5. P2 then takes P1’s position between the poles and the drill is repeated from the opposite side. 6. This is a fun, fast-paced drill so encourage the players to enjoy themselves while working hard.

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: Crossbar challenge 2. Session Length: 10 minutes 3. Age Group:all ages 4. Number of players: 2 to 18 5. Skills learned:Long-range passing, shooting 6. Equipment:1 goal, multiple balls

    Drill Setup

    1. Use half the training field for this drill. 2. Set up a full-size goal in the normal position on the end line. 3. All players line up on the halfway line with a ball each (if possible). 4. Assign all players 3 lives each. 5. Each player will take their turn one at a time.

    Drill Instructions

    1. P1 places the ball somewhere along the halfway line. 2. On the coach’s signal, P1 strikes the ball, attempting to hit the crossbar. 3. If they hit the crossbar, they are through to the next round. If they miss, they lose a life. 4. P1 collects their ball, rejoins the line, and waits for their next turn. 5. The next player takes their turn, attempting to hit the crossbar and the process is repeated. 6. Players continue taking attempts at the crossbar until there is one player remaining. 7....

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: Team Keepy Uppies 2. Session Length: 10 minutes 3. Age Group:all ages 4. Number of players: 6 to 18 5. Skills learned:Heading, ball control, first touch 6. Equipment:2 balls, 1 ball net

    Drill Setup

    1. There are 2 variations to this drill. 2. Both variations require minimal space and equipment.

    Drill Instructions

    1. Round 1: Divide players into 2 even groups. Both groups line up across from each other, with each player approximately 2 yards apart. 2. All players work together for this round. 3. P1 starts by heading the ball to P2. Each player heads the ball to the player opposite them, gradually moving the ball to the end of the line. 4. The final player heads the ball into the ball net. 5. If the ball hits the ground, the drill must be restarted. 6. Round 2: Divide the team into even groups. Each gro...

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: Soccer Tennis 2. Session Length: 15 to 20 minutes 3. Age Group:all ages 4. Number of players: 2 to 16 5. Skills learned:Heading, ball control, first touch 6. Equipment:1 ball, 1 net, 4 cones per match

    Drill Setup

    1. Soccer tennis can be played 1 v 1, 2 v 2, or 3 v 3. 2. Each court is 15 yards long and 10 yards wide. The net is 1 to 1.5 yards high. 3. Depending on the number of players, you can set up multiple courts. 4. Decide on the type of match-ups to run and divide the players into teams if necessary.

    Drill Instructions

    1. A match starts with a serve from behind the baseline, outside of the court. Players serve by kicking, heading, or striking the ball with any body part other than the arms or hands. 2. For a serve to be legal, the ball must pass over the net and touch the opponent’s half of the court or an opposition player. 3. Like tennis, the objective is to score points by bouncing an unreturnable shot into your opponent’s half. 4. The team that scores always takes the next serve. 5. The ball may skim th...

    Drill Outline

    1. Drill Name: Passing rondo 2. Session Length: 5 minutes 3. Age Group:all ages 4. Number of players: 6 to 18 5. Skills learned:Quick passing, first touch, quick feet, interceptions 6. Equipment:1 ball (per group)

    Drill Setup

    1. This drill requires just 1 ball. 2. Divide the team into groups of 6. 3. Assign 1 player per group to begin as the defender. 4. The other players form a circle approximately 3 to 5 yards wide around the defender. 5. P1 begins the drill with the ball at their feet. 6. If you have more than 6 but less than 12 players, scale the drill to accommodate the number of players you have.

    Drill Instructions

    1. P1 starts the drill by passing the ball to a teammate. 2. The attacking players then try to keep possession through quick passing. 3. Instruct attacking players to hold their general positions to maintain the circle size. 4. D1 attempts to intercept the passes and gain possession. D1 can also press and tackle. 5. When D1 wins the ball, the attacking payer responsible for losing possession switches with D1. 6. If an attacking player plays a bad pass that strays outside the circle, they must...

    • Mud Monsters kid’s soccer drill. 10 x 10-yard area. 1 soccer ball per player. 2 Pinnies. Instructions: This is a fun game and it is a very easy game to understand and play.
    • Bug Splatter kids soccer drill. 10 x 10-yard area. 1 soccer ball per player. Instructions: This is another fun soccer game that kids love to play, especially with younger age groups.
    • Sharks and Surfers soccer drill. 10 x 10-yard area. 1 soccer ball per player. 2 goals. Instructions: As well as sharks and surfers this soccer game can also be known as sharks and minnows, British bulldogs.
    • Soccer marbles kids soccer drill. 10 x 10-yard area. 1 soccer ball per player. Instructions: This fun soccer game is great because every player has the opportunity to score points and compete against other players’ scores as well as try to beat their scores from the previous round.
    • Ball Hog. Eight-year-olds absolutely love this fun soccer drill, and it’s a really easy drill to set up. This game can be used as a warm-up activity and is a competitive way for kids to practice their dribbling and turning skills while having fun at the same time.
    • Stuck In The Mud. This next drill is a super fun warm-up drill that’s perfect for 8-year-olds. The ‘Stuck In The Mud’ soccer drill can help kids practice dribbling, turning, and keeping their heads up.
    • Jackpot. This next soccer drill is a great way for U9 players to practice their passing technique and improve their accuracy as they race against the clock and their teammates to try and get the jackpot!
    • The Numbers Game. The ‘Numbers Game’ drill is fun, easy to set up, and a big hit with U9 kids. In this drill, the players will get lots of chances to excel in 1v1 situations.
  4. Soccer Games and Practices that are FUN and Engaging. These FUN youth soccer drills and games are designed for the players to enjoy their time at practice and makes it fun for the players. Browse the Latest Fun Soccer Drills & Games

  5. Soccer drills and games are simple and fun! Whether you are a youth soccer league coach or looking for some soccer drills to do in your backyard, I got you covered. Quick Links: (28) Soccer Drills

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