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  1. Aug 25, 2005 · Eukaryotic cells have two contrasting cytoskeletal and ciliary organizations. The simplest involves a single cilium-bearing centriole, nucleating a cone of individual microtubules (probably...

    • Thomas A. Richards, Thomas A. Richards, Thomas A. Richards, Thomas Cavalier-Smith
    • 2005
  2. One of the most widespread hypotheses roots the eukaryote tree between the Unikonta, unicellular organisms whose ancestral mode of locomotion appears to have been based on a single cilium and basal body, and the Bikonta (Cavalier-Smith 2002).

    • Jordi Paps, Luis A. Medina-Chacón, Wyth L. Marshall, Hiroshi Suga, Hiroshi Suga, Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, ...
    • 10.1016/j.protis.2012.09.002
    • 2013
    • 2013/01
  3. The unikonts include opisthokonts (animals, fungi, and related forms) and Amoebozoa. By contrast other well-known eukaryotic groups are often referred to as bikonts. Bikonts include Archaeplastida (plants and relatives), Excavata, Rhizaria, and Chromalveolata.

  4. Mar 30, 2006 · If both unikonts and bikonts are monophyletic groups, and together they encompass extant eukaryotic diversity, then the root of eukaryotes would lie between them.

    • T. Martin Embley, William Martin
    • 2006
  5. Oct 9, 2019 · In the early 2000s, the presence or absence of several discrete molecular and cell-biological properties in various supergroups was used to argue that the root of the eukaryote tree fell between two major clades: the ‘unikonts’ (including Opisthokonts and Amoebozoa; i.e., Amorphea) and the ‘bikonts’ (almost all other eukaryotes) .

    • Fabien Burki, Fabien Burki, Andrew J. Roger, Matthew W. Brown, Alastair G.B. Simpson
    • 2020
  6. Feb 24, 2009 · A recent phylogenomic investigation shows that the enigmatic flagellate Breviata is a distinct anaerobic lineage within the eukaryote super-group Amoebozoa and challenges the unikont–bikont rooting of the tree of eukaryotes.

  7. Oct 17, 2012 · The eukaryotic supergroup Opisthokonta includes animals (Metazoa), fungi, and choanoflagellates, as well as the lesser known unicellular lineages Nucleariidae, Fonticula alba, Ichthyosporea,...

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