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  1. Công đồng Constantinople IV (879-880) là công đồng chung thứ VIII được thừa nhận bởi Chính thống giáo phương Đông được tổ chức ở Constantinople. Công đồng được triệu tập bởi Hoàng đế La Mã Basil II, chủ trì bởi Thượng Phụ Photius với sự tham dự của 383 Giám mục của cả hai phía đông và tây.

  2. Wikipedia là dự án bách khoa toàn thư mở, đa ngôn ngữ mà mọi người đều có thể tham gia đóng góp. Mục tiêu của Wikipedia là xây dựng một bách khoa toàn thư hoàn chỉnh, chính xác và trung lập. Sự phát triển của Wikipedia tiếng Việt phụ thuộc vào sự tham gia của bạn.

  3. Helena ôm cây Thánh giá. Helena ( tiếng Latinh: Flavia Iulia Helena Augusta) hay còn được gọi là Thánh Helen, Helena Augusta, Helena thành Constantinopolis (246-330 TCN) là vợ của Hoàng đế Constantius, và mẹ của Hoàng đế Constantine I. Bà được ghi nhận với việc tìm kiếm những di vật của cây ...

  4. Constantinopolis (có nghĩa là "thành phố của Constantinus [Đại Đế]"; tiếng Hy Lạp: Κωνσταντινούπολις Konstantinoúpolis, hay Πόλις Polis; tiếng Latin: Constantinopolis; tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ: قسطنطينيه, Kostantiniyye), còn được biết đến với tên Constantinople, là kinh đô của ...

  5. › wiki › Basil_IIBasil II - Wikipedia

    • Physical Appearance and Personality
    • Early Life and Rule
    • Sole Emperor
    • Legacy
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    The courtier and historian Michael Psellos, who was born towards the end of Basil's reign, gives a description of Basil in his Chronographia. Psellos describes him as a stocky man of shorter-than-average stature who nevertheless was an impressive figure on horseback. He had light-blue eyes, strongly arched eyebrows, luxuriant side whiskers—which he...

    Basil II was born in 958. He was a porphyrogennetos ("born into the purple"), as were his father Romanos II and his grandfather Constantine VII; this was the appellation used for children who were born to a reigning emperor. Basil was the eldest son of Romanos and his Laconian Greek second wife Theophano, who was the daughter of a poor tavern-keepe...

    Rebellions in Anatolia and alliance with Rus'

    Basil was a very successful soldier on horseback and through his achievement he proved himself to be an able general and a strong ruler. In the early years of his reign, administration remained in the hands of Basil Lekapenos. As president of the Byzantine Senate, Lekapenos was a wily, gifted politician who hoped the young emperors would be his puppets. The younger Basil waited and watched without interfering, devoting himself to learning the details of administrative business and military sc...

    Campaigns against the Fatimid Caliphate

    Once the internal strife was quelled, Basil turned his attention to the Empire's other enemies. The Byzantine civil wars had weakened the Empire's position in the east, and the gains of Nikephoros II and John I had nearly been lost to the Fatimid Caliphate. In 987–988, a seven-year truce with the Fatimids was signed; it stipulated an exchange of prisoners, the recognition of the Byzantine emperor as protector of Christians under Fatimid rule and of the Fatimid Caliph as protector of Muslims u...

    Manjutakin's attacks, and Basil's first expedition to Syria

    Encouraged by the defectors after the death of emir Sa'd al-Dawla, Al-Aziz decided to renew his attacks on the Hamdanid Emirate of Aleppo, a Byzantine protectorate, perhaps expecting Basil would not interfere. Manjutakin invaded the emirate, defeated a Byzantine force under the doux of Antioch Michael Bourtzesin June 992, and laid siege to Aleppo. The city easily resisted. In early 993, after thirteen months of campaigning, a lack of supplies forced Manjutakin to return to Damascus. In 994, M...


    An assessment of the reign in the eyes of the subsequent generations is given by Psellos: Basil II's reign is one of the most significant in Byzantine history. His constant military campaigns led to the zenith of Byzantine power in the Middle Ages. The restoration of the Danubian frontier helped establish a more stable and secure border for the empire in Europe, maintaining a stronger barrier against Hungarian and Pecheneg raiders. The conquest of Bulgaria and the submission of the South Slav...

    Modern views and depictions in literature

    1. Bulgarian commentator Alexander Kiossev wrote in Understanding the Balkans: "The hero [of] a nation might be the villain of its neighbour ... The Byzantine emperor Basil the Murderer [sic] of Bulgarians, a crucial Greek pantheon figure, is no less important as [a] subject of hatred for our national mythology". During the 20th century in Greece, interest in Basil II led to a number of biographies and historical novels about him. One of these is Basil Bulgaroktonos (1964) by historical ficti...

    Media related to Basileios IIat Wikimedia Commons 1. Riccardi, Lorenzo, «Un altro cielo»: l'imperatore Basilio II e le arti, in "Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte", 61 (III serie, XXIX), 2006 [2011] ISSN 0392-5285, pp. 103–146. 2. Riccardi, Lorenzo, Observations on Basil II as Patron of the Arts, in Actual Problems o...

  6. Sep 20, 2009 · Tiếng Việt: Kinh Tin Kính. English: The Apostles’ Creed. Tôi tin kính Đức Chúa Trời là Cha phép tắc vô cùng dựng nên trời đất. Tôi tin kính Đức Chúa GiêSu Kitô là con một Đức Chúa Cha cùng là Chúa chúng tôi; bởi phép Đức Chúa Thánh Thần mà người xuống thai, sinh bởi Bà ...

  7. The cathedral church of Constantinople, Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), was the center of religious life in the eastern Christian world.

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