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  1. “do belarusians speak” (English) in Russian is

    Говорят ли белорусы

  2. Belarusian ( endonym: беларуская мова, biełaruskaja mova, pronounced [bʲɛɫaˈruskaja ˈmɔva]) is an East Slavic language. It is one of the two official languages in Belarus, alongside Russian. Additionally, it is spoken in some parts of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Ukraine by Belarusian minorities in those countries.

  3. In Belarus on the whole 70.21% of the population indicated they speak Russian at home, 23.43% indicated Belarusian, 3.13% did not indicate a language, 1.51% indicated Trasianka, 1.47% indicated several languages and the remaining 0.23% indicated another language.

  4. According to the Belarus Census (2009), 41.5% of the Belarusian population declared Russian as their mother language whereas Belarusian is the mother tongue of 53.2% of the population, and 70.2% declared Russian "the language spoken at home" (the second language-related question of the Census).

  5. The vast majority speak Russian (young people) and Trasianka (the older generation). Not all Belarusians fully understand when I speak Belarusian. They may be surprised and look at you as an alien.

  6. Aug 17, 2022 · In their homes, 72% of Belarusians speak Russian, compared to only 11.9% who speak Belarusian, according to a 2009 study conducted by the government of Belarus. Following Belarus’s independence, the government designated Belarusian and Russian as the nation’s official languages.

  7. Oct 2, 2022 · The official Chinese translation of ‘Belarus’ should be ” (or White Rus’) rather than ” (White), according to a statement published on the government’s official website. More than 70% of the population speaks Russian, while only 23% of the population speaks Belarusian.

  8. Nov 19, 2020 · Belarus, as a land-locked country in Eastern Europe, has two national languages: Russian and Belarusian. Belarusian or “biełaruskaja mova” is an East Slavic language, which has many similarities to Ukrainian and Russian. Most Belarusians can read, speak, and write in Belarusian, but they do not choose it as the language of everyday life ...

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