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  1. Donna On The Go Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Smoked Salmon Pizza
    A recipe for smoked salmon lovers! This is not your traditional baked-in-a-wood-oven pizza, but it's a very simple, quick to make and delicious combination of the classic ingredients which go so well with smoked salmon, served on crisp pita bread. I found the recipe this morning while at the hairdresser's, bought a copy of the magazine, and made these for lunch today. Just wonderful for a quick, light weekend lunch! The recipe I've posted here has been adapted slightly from the recipe in the November/December 2005 issue of the 'donna hay magazine'. I have also posted Donna Hay's recipe for haloumi and couscous cakes which she suggests serving with smoked salmon, so it's another recipe for smoked salmon lovers! Donna Hay is an Australian chef.
    Spumoni Rocky Road
    This confection is full of spongy homemade marshmallow chunks with a soft delicate rose petal jelly delight, crunchy pistachios and hints of tart cherries enrobed with a silky smooth dark chocolate. I‘ve made rocky road during the holidays with store bought marshmallows for many years; but homemade marshmallow has been on my “to make” list for a while so this time around I did just that. This recipe adapts a marshmallow recipe and technique taken from Donna Hay’s online recipe, as well as the Joy of Baking and Food52 recipes, combined. Spumoni flavors, usually in ice cream, is a must for the Holidays, IMO, and so inspired by that I tweak my usual “road” recipe; picked up some dark chocolate, pistachios and tart cherries to help achieve my favorite holiday flavors. I must say, there will be no going back to store bought whenever it is possible to make my own, there is nothing that compares to its homemade airiness; I am pleased with the results of this endeavor, I hope you will be too! NOTE: the marshmallow needs to be made any time from 2 weeks to 1 day ahead of making this rocky road. I prefer to make it at least 2-3 days ahead.