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  1. Dicotyledonous plants (Class Magnoliopsida) are thought to be the most primitive flowering plants. They are defined by several characteristics. Similar to gnetophytes, all dicots germinate producing two seed leaves, hence dicotyledons. All dicots have other similar characteristics.

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  3. The class Magnoliopsida is not defined. The idea that dicotyledons are a taxonomic unit and require a formal name is rejected by the APG: the dicots are considered to be paraphyletic.

  4. Magnoliopsida. The flowering plants (angiosperms) that make up the division Magnoliophyta may be grouped into two major plant groups: Dicotyledoneae (or Magnoliopsida) and Monocotyledonae (or Liliopsida). The Magnoliapsida includes all the dicotyledons whereas the Liliopsida includes all the monocotyledons.

  5. Traditionally the flowering plants are called Magnoliophyta and were used to be divided into two classes - dicots (Magnoliopsida) and monocots (Liliopsida) II. Order Magnoliales. Magnoliaceae - magnolia family. Not found in Wisconsin but part of the Alleghenian flora. Tropical trees with ethereal oils which leads to a strong scent.

  6. The fruit is an aggregate of follicles, samaras, or berry-like units; seeds are endospermous, rich in oils and protein with a sarcotesta (fleshy seed coat resembling an aril) often present. The Magnoliaceae are distributed in tropical to warm temperate regions, especially in the northern hemisphere.

  7. Larval foods are recorded in about a dozen dicot families, including specializations on Oleaceae, Asclepiadaceae, and Euphorbiaceae (all known larvae of Uraniinae feed on euphorbs), unusual for Lepidoptera and likely sources of distasteful qualities, and many species appear to be aposematic.

  8. Class MAGNOLIOPSIDA. Description: The Magnoliopsida are terrestrial, epiphytic or aquatic vascular plants which form flowers and reproduce sexually by seeds enclosed in an ovary. The sporophyte consists of true roots, stems and true leaves which are either simple, variously compound or sometimes reduced and scale-like and are alternate ...

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