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  1. One of the Centers key efforts in the early years was the development of A Framework for Ethical Decision Making, an easy-to-use guide to bringing ethical approaches into important life choices. Since 2001, the Framework has had more than 850,000 page views on the Ethics Center website.

  2. Nov 7, 2016 · The Centers Build.Plant.Grow. faith formation program for children is now available for all the Sundays and all the solemnities for all three cycles in the Lectionary of the Catholic Church. For each Sunday or holiday, the curriculum follows a theme through the day’s readings and a related work of children’s literature.

  3. Grow. is a free faith formation program for schools, parishes, and families. Engaging lesson plans pair scriptural readings with children's literature and experiential education. Build.

  4. People also ask

  5. Encountering Artificial Intelligence is an example of the Catholic moral tradition at its best and offers resources for thinking through the ethical implications of AI in fields ranging from consciousness to romance to economics and more."

  6. Religious and Catholic Ethics. The ethics center in a Jesuit university has a special interest in the role of religion in ethics and the formation of moral character. They offer dialogue, research, and curriculum across a wide range of religious traditions.

  7. The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University is one of the preeminent centers for research and dialogue on ethical issues in critical areas of American life. The center works with faculty, staff, students, community leaders, and the public to address ethical issues more effectively in teaching, research, and action.

  8. Easter Sunday and all of the Sundays of Easter are the primary focus of the liturgical year. Easter celebrates the wonder and joy of Christ’s Resurrection, which is the crowning mystery of the Christian Faith.