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  1. The 'open window' theory is characterised by short term suppression of the immune system following an acute bout of endurance exercise. This window of opportunity may allow for an increase in susceptibility to upper respiratory illness (URI).

  2. Introduction: The “open window” theory describes the purported short-term suppression of the immune system following an acute bout of endurance exercise, which may lead to an increased susceptibility to upper respiratory illness (URI).

  3. The ‘open window’ theory is characterised by short term suppression of the immune system following an acute bout of endurance exercise. This window of opportunity may allow for an increase in susceptibility to upper respiratory illn-ess (URI). Many studies have indicated a decrease in immune function in respon-se to exercise.

  4. May 15, 2020 · The paradigm that a single exercise session may acutely increase the risks of viral or bacterial infections has commonly been referred to as the “open window” theory and represents a condition of immunosuppression (i.e., lymphocytes reduction and suppressed function of natural killer cells) occurring after prolonged high-intensity exercise ...

  5. This article analyses the available scientific evidence in order to recommend a practical approach, focusing on nutrition, intermittent fasting or caloric restriction, vitamin D insufficiency ...

  6. May 15, 2013 · The “open window” theory means that there is an 'open window' of altered immunity (which may last between 3 and 72 hours) in which the risk of clinical infection after exercise is excessive. When including elite athletes in the J-curve model, the curve is suggested to be S-shaped.

  7. The "open window" theory means that there is an 'open window' of altered im- munity (which may last between 3 and 72 hours), in which the risk of clinical infection after...

  8. May 14, 2020 · The study questions the “open window theory” and suggests exercise “may enhance the immune vigilance in these compartments which serve as the body’s major defense barriers.”

  9. The ‘open window’ theory is characterised by short term suppression of the immune system following an acute bout of endurance exercise. This window of opportunity may allow for an increase in susceptibility to upper respiratory illness (URI). Many studies have indicated a decrease in immune function in response to exercise.

  10. Mar 4, 2020 · This possibility was known as the “open window” theory and relied on experiments in animals and people showing that immune cells flooded our bloodstreams immediately after a hard workout and then...

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