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      • Every Mass begins the same way: the priest says the words, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…,” and we mark ourselves with the Sign of the Cross. The Sign of the Cross is a way to acknowledge our reason for being at Mass in the first place: to worship and give thanks to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. › the-introductory-rites-an-invitation-to-prepare-for-the-holy-mass
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  2. The Introductory Rites help the faithful come together as one, establish communion and prepare themselves to listen to the Word of God and to celebrate the Eucharist worthily. All stand. The Priest approaches the altar with the ministers and venerates it while the Entrance Song is sung.

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  3. › prayer-and-worship › the-massIntroductory Rites | USCCB

    The Mass begins with the entrance chant/song. The celebrant and other ministers enter in procession and reverence the altar with a bow and/or a kiss. The altar is a symbol of Christ at the heart of the assembly and so deserves this special reverence.

    • What is the Mass or Liturgy?
    • Part one: Gathering rites
    • Part two: Story telling
    • Preparation of the Gifts
    • The Eucharistic Prayer
    • The Communion Rite
    • Part four: Commissioning

    A good way to describe the Mass is to say that it is Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday made present today in ritual. It is not merely a meal which reminds us of the Last Supper, or a Passion play which helps recall Good Friday, or a Sunrise Service which celebrates the Lord’s Resurrection.

    Coming together, assembling, is at the heart of our Sunday worship. The reason behind each of the ritual actions of the first part of the Mass can be found in this word: gathering. The purpose of these rites is to bring us together into one body, ready to listen and to break bread together. Greeters. In many churches today there will be someone a...

    Liturgy of the Word. When we gather at a friend’s home for a meal, we always begin with conversation, telling our stories. At Mass, after the rites of gathering, we sit down and listen as readings from the Word of God are proclaimed. They are the stories of God’s people. Three readings and a psalm. On Sundays there are three readings from the Bib...

    The early Christians each brought some bread and wine from their homes to the church to be used for the Mass and to be given to the clergy and the poor. Today a similar offering for the parish and the poor is made with our monetary contributions. Members of the parish will take up a collection from the assembly and bring it to the priest at the alt...

    The long prayer which follows brings us to the very center of the Mass and the heart of our faith. While the words of the prayer may vary from Sunday to Sunday, the prayer always has this structure: 1) We call upon God to remember all the wonderful saving deeds of our history. 2) We recall the central event in our history, Jesus Christ, and in part...

    Our Father and Sign of Peace. We prepare to eat and drink at the Lord’s Table with those words taught us by Jesus: “Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Keenly aware that communion (the word means “union with”) is the sign and source of our reconciliation and union with God an...

    Announcements. Finally we prepare to go back to that world in which we will live for the coming week. The burdens we have laid down at the door of the church for this Eucharist, we know we must now bear again—but now strengthened by this Eucharist and this community. There may be announcements at this time which remind us of important activities co...

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  4. Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. PREFACE DIALOGUE. The Lord be with you. ~ And with your spirit.

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  5. The Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. The people: And grant us your salvation. The absolution by the Priest follows: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. The people reply: Amen. ____________________________________________________________.

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  6. Jun 26, 2020 · The opening words of the Gloria, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to people of good will…” echo the words of the angels to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. In a very real way, by singing the Gloria, we are uniting our voices with that of the angels of heaven in a triumphant chorus of praise to the Lord.

  7. Aug 29, 2023 · The Mass is not just another service; it’s the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1324). When we attend Mass, we partake in the same sacrifice that Jesus offered on the cross, becoming more united with God and each other.

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