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  1. Top results related to should you read the second in command line

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  3. Dec 4, 2018 · I would like to retrieve the second line of a file (install.cfg) which contains a few lines of text. I tried with below code which is working fine in my local machine, but when executed on a windows machine, it throws 'þ@' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Code sample

    for /F "usebackq skip=1 delims=" %%G in ("install.cfg") do set "VERSION=%%G" & goto HaveValue
    echo Version read from file: %VERSION%
    • Bash Read Built-In #
    • Changing The Delimiter #
    • Prompt String #
    • Assign The Words to Array #
    • Conclusion #

    readis a bash built-in command that reads a line from the standard input (or from the file descriptor) and split the line into words. The first word is assigned to the first name, the second one to the second name, and so on. The general syntax of the readbuilt-in takes the following form: To illustrate how the command works, open your terminal, ty...

    The default behavior of read is to split the line into words using one or more spaces, tabs, and newline as delimiters. To use another character as a delimiter, assign it to the IFSvariable (Internal Field Separator). When IFSis set to a character other than space or tab, the words are separated by exactly one character: The line is separated in fo...

    When writing interactive bash scripts, you can use the readcommand to get the user input. To specify a prompt string, use the -p option. The prompt is printed before the readis executed and doesn’t include a newline. Here is a simple example: Generally, you would use the read command inside a whileloop to force the user to give one of the expected ...

    To assign the words to an arrayinstead of variable names, invoke the read command with the -aoption: When both an array and a variable name are given, all words are assigned to the array.

    The readcommand is used to split a line of input into words. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment.

  4. Aug 8, 2017 · For before this Windows 10 update, you can use : type "C:\Temp\my_file.txt" | findstr /n . | findstr /b ^3: (this will output line 3 of the file, but the line number will have to be strip out)

  5. Jan 9, 2023 · Here are several examples to help you read the syntax of Command Prompt, MS-DOS, and other kinds of commands in Windows and other CLI programs.

  6. Aug 20, 2013 · Using && will execute the second command only when first command executed successfully (status 0). Both are used on different perspective. Like for a longer process, say for an installation you need to compile and install it. you should make && make install .

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