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  1. The Real Case Against Adnan Syed. 1. The Jay Connection. a. Adnan admits that he voluntarily loaned his car and brand-new cell phone to an acquaintance, Jay Wilds, on 1/13/1999. b. Jay would later admit to helping bury Hae Min Lee’s body after Adnan told him he killed her and showed Jay her body.

  2. It came out about 5 years after Serial, with much of that time devoted, by Team Adnan, to uncovering evidence of... if not Adnan's actual innocence, at least evidence that casts doubt or undermines confidence in his conviction.

  3. I am currently watching “The Case Against Adnan Syed” which is an HBO documentary on Crave about the murder of Hae Min Lee, an 18 year old who disappeared and was murdered in Baltimore County in 1999.

  4. So I wanted to lay out the REAL case against Adnan Syed, using the information from only these two sources. This should be more than enough for any jury. -The most important evidence hinges on Jay Wild’s involvement. Yes, his stories change but the main points remain the same. Adnan killed Hae. Jay helped bury her.

  5. Prosecutors are now saying that they want him released from prison, pending a new investigation and trial due to critical evidence which was withheld from Syed’s defense team in the initial trial.

  6. Hope Shab, French teacher, WHS (Missing pages 144 & 145 re; an incident in her classroom, with Adnan looking out the window, waiting for Hae, questioning if they could overcome their religion and stay together.

  7. You just need to convince jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that Adnan Syed was the person who murdered Hae Min Lee. Here's why I'm 90% sure he did it. You're welcome to disagree, and I'll be interested in any opinions or resources you can share to challenge what I'll set out here.

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