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  1. I’d love to hear the perspectives of San Franciscans new and old. Do you feel like the city is getting better or worse? What’s it’s like? How would you describe the culture, quality of life, and community?

  2. The lifestyle” is referred to anywhere you go as sort of a cruisey way of seeing if a couple is basically open. It’s been particularly prominent in the PNW for a long time and sort of caught fire a bit in the tech community here, I want to say, about 8 years ago.

  3. I love living in San Francisco more than anything. It’s my favorite city. Housing prices can be expensive depending on neighborhood, but I’ve lived here for five years and haven’t had to pay more than $2k a month for rent, and I love where I live (NoPa).

  4. I love how it feels like a small town at times. San Francisco is a comparatively small city in terms of geographic space, so you end up bumping into people you know a lot. This could happen in Chicago, too, since the life was almost always in the Loop during the daytime—but not to the same extent.

  5. I would counter that if you're earning a high enough salary to maintain a typical middle class lifestyle within SF, imagine your life style if you moved to the East bay. Some really nice houses in El Sebronte and Vallejo area if you don't mind the commute.

  6. Like any other city, San Francisco isn't for everyone. My hope is that people who fall in love with it will continue to engage with and invest in their community, whether it's club sports, volunteer groups, political activism, or just sports fandom.

  7. There is so much to do in San Francisco. If you're into outdoors, parks and lively shops, It is the best place to go. There is a lot of diversity and if you're into tech this is the place for you to nerd out.

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