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  1. The (Traditional) Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram allows you to extract a great deal of information about clients’ most central beliefs and key behavioral patterns; it helps you understand the connections between clients’ childhood experiences, the development of core beliefs about the self, world and future, and the ways in which clients co...

  2. Die Traumnovelle, welche im Jahr 1926 erschien, geschrieben von Arthur Schnitzler erzählt von einem Ehemann namens Fridolin und seiner Ehefrau Albertine. Mit der gemeinsamen Tochter ähnelt die Familie einer Bilderbuchfamilie.

  3. Published in 1926, Traumnovelle ( Dream Story) has been described as a tale of one man’s journey through the hidden depths of his own psyche. Set in fin-de-siècle Vienna, Schnitzler’s story...

  4. Worksheet #1: The Living Legacy of Trauma. Circle the symptoms and difficulties that you recognize in yourself or have had in the past. Then put a check mark or asterisk next to those you never knew were the result of your trauma.

  5. Die „Traumnovelle“ von Arthur Schnitzler kannst du auf verschiedene Weisen interpretieren. Zum Beispiel kannst du dir das Werk im Hinblick auf Sigmund Freuds Traumtheorie anschauen oder dich mit dem Doppelgängermotiv beschäftigen.

  6. Answer the questions to part I of the dream interpretation handout. Now complete a Freudian analysis of the dream on your worksheet. Follow the tips below: Step 1: List specific items from the manifest content and try to identify their symbolic meaning.

  7. Schnitzler's Traumnovelle 35 fantasies have in the end little to do with sexual needs and their satisfaction. Rather, Fridolin's behavior towards women exhibits all the trappings of a Hegelian dialectic of mastery and slavery. As Hegel has demonstrated, contra dictions internal to such a dialectic subvert the attainment of the object of desire.

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