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  1. Mao Zedong killed over 1 million. Pol Pot killed between 2 and 3 Million. The 20th century was the first time during which political leaders possessed the technology to kill on such a massive scale, so it would be safe to assume that this was also the first time it happened on this level.

  2. The optimists among us who believe in the inevitable progress of man, either forget or ignore the fact that the twentieth century was the bloodiest, most destructive century in human history. The century’s two world wars resulted in the deaths of at least 60 million people.

    • 10 536: Insane Changes in Global Weather Result in Widespread Starvation
    • 9 1945: WWII Atomic Bombs, Incendiary Bombs & The Holocaust
    • 8 1816: The Year Without A Summer
    • 7 1918: WWI & The Spanish Flu Pandemic
    • 6 1929: The Stock Market Crash
    • 5 541: The Plague of Justinian
    • 4 1783: The Laki Volcanic Eruption
    • 3 1520: Europeans Bring Diseases to The Americas
    • 2 1347: The Black Death Spreads Across Europe
    • 1 73,000 BC: The Toba Catastrophe

    The sixth century wasn’t a great time to be a human for several reasons that all came together to create a year that no time traveler would ever visit. Not only was 536 one of the worst years in history, but it also kicked off a decade of darkness, the likes of which haven’t been seen since. The darkness was literal, thanks to the eruption of a vol...

    There’s no denying that World War II was one of the darkest and deadliest conflicts in world history. More people died in that global conflict than in any other war. Any year the fighting raged on could be considered for this list, but 1945 takes the prize as the worst of them all. WWII came to a bloody conclusion in ’45, and that victory came at a...

    An ice age is defined as an extended period of glaciation, so we’re technically in one now. That said, most people think of an ice age as a time when the majority of the globe is covered by continental ice sheets. But another way to look at it is a year where the winter snow doesn’t melt—and that happened in 1816. Many historians refer to 1816 as “...

    When WWI came to an end, what appeared to be the darkest time in humanity finally came to an end. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the end of suffering because the conflict’s conclusion brought forth disease and death that quickly swept across the world. The Spanish Flu was caused by the H1N1 Influenza A virus. Its first recorded case popped up in returnin...

    The 20th century wasn’t easy for many people around the world. A lot of problems that weren’t related to wars and plagues centered around finances. On October 29, 1929, the world was stunned to see the U.S. stock market take a massive dive. Across the nation, people were left with nothingas factories, banks, and other institutions closed their door...

    While most people know of the Black Death that swept across Europe in the 14th century, it wasn’t the first or only time the bubonic plague threatened humanity. The first recorded instance of the plague came in 541 during the reign of Emperor Justinian, and history knows him best because of a massive pandemic that took on his name. The first record...

    Volcanic eruptions always cause a great deal of disruption in their immediate area, but some affect a much larger area than others. Laki is a volcanic fissure in Iceland, and while it’s safe today, in 1783, it erupted violently. The fissure erupted for eight months, ending in February 1784 after an estimated 42 billion tons of hydrofluoric acid, su...

    When Europeans made their way to the Americas en masse, they opened up new territories, increased trade, and brought deadly pathogens to the Indigenous population. The people of the Americas were generally isolated from the diseases that had been killing people in Europe, Asia, and Africa for millennia. In 1520, Europeans brought smallpox to the In...

    There’s no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic is terrible, but it pales in comparison to the Black Death. Beginning in 1346, the bubonic plague spread across Eurasia and North Africa, killing more people than any other pandemic in human history. The plague was first identified in Crimea in 1347, and from there, it spread like wildfire. The plague i...

    The Toba catastrophe is a theorized supervolcanic eruption that took place some 75,000 years ago (+/- 900 years) in what is now Indonesia. The exact date is unknown, but research into human DNA and geologic evidence of the time suggests that a massive eruption caused the deaths of most of the human population at the time. While it’s impossible to s...

  3. 4 days ago · From 2000 to 2019 (when Disney acquired 20th Century Fox), we saw nearly twenty releases from Fox and Marvel. Some were good, while others were the worst comic book movies in history.

  4. 100 Years, 100 Stinkers: The Worst Films of the 20th Century is a list of the 100 worst movies (in actuality 102, which lumped franchises into slots for a grand total of 133) of the 20th century, as determined by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards.

  5. Best Films Based on Historical Events of the 20th Century. I tried to form this list about people who lost their lives because of taken decisions containing benefits of the opposite side. I hope -having conscience while making a decision- can prevent all these events ended up with a great tragedy.

  6. In this 13 episode documentary series, the 20th century is reviewed across the world, addressing political, economic, social, technological and religious issues.

    • 25 min
    • 31.5K