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  2. May 2, 2023 · Side Effects of Taking Laxatives for Weight Loss. How to Lose Weight Safely. 4 min read. Some people use laxatives to lose weight. While laxatives can help you with constipation,...

    • What Are Laxatives?
    • Laxatives Could Help You Lose Water Weight
    • Using Laxatives Can Lead to Dehydration
    • Laxatives May Cause an Electrolyte Imbalance
    • Some Worry That Overuse Could Cause Dependency
    • Other Possible Side Effects of Laxatives
    • Better Ways to Lose Weight
    • The Bottom Line

    Laxatives are medications people use to help stimulate bowel movements or loosen up stool to ease its passage.

    They are often used to treat constipation, a condition caused by infrequent, painful or difficult bowel movements.

    They have also become a popular method for weight loss. Many people believe that using laxatives can help increase the frequency of bowel movements and allow for quick, easy and effortless weight loss.

    However, the truth of their safety and effectiveness is another story, as you’ll see later in this article.

    There are a few different classes of laxatives that work in different ways. The main types are (1):

    •Stimulant laxatives: These work by speeding up the movement of the digestive tract.

    Laxative use has become incredibly common among those looking to shed a few pounds quickly. In fact, some studies estimate that more than 4% of the general population engages in laxative abuse (2).

    It is true that laxatives may help increase weight loss, but the results are only temporary.

    Several types of laxatives work by pulling water from your body into the intestines, allowing stool to absorb more water for an easier passage. With this method, the only weight you’ll lose is from the water you excrete through stool (1).

    One small study measured the daily food intake and eating habits of 30 patients with bulimia nervosa, a type of eating disorder that involves eating large amounts of food and then using methods such as self-induced vomiting or laxatives to prevent weight gain.

    Compared to other methods used by these patients, researchers found that laxative use was an ineffective method for controlling body weight (3).

    Another study also concluded that laxatives were not effective at controlling weight, noting that laxative use was more prevalent among overweight and obese teenagers than those of a normal weight (4).

    One of the most common side effects of laxative use is dehydration.

    This is because many laxatives work by drawing water into the intestines from other tissues, resulting in a loss of water through the stool (1).

    If you’re not careful to replenish the water that is lost, it can lead to dehydration.

    Common symptoms of dehydration include headaches, reduced urine output, increased thirst, fatigue, dry skin and dizziness.

    Dehydration may also be linked to more serious side effects, mentioned later in this article.

    Summary: Some types of laxatives work by pulling water into the intestines and stool, resulting in a loss of water and potentially dangerous dehydration.

    Electrolytes are substances dissolved in your bodily fluids that are important for helping your cells and tissues function normally (5).

    Some common electrolytes include chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphate.

    If the balance of these essential electrolytes is thrown off, it can cause dangerous side effects including seizures, confusion and coma.

    Laxatives may lead to the loss of important electrolytes. This could create an electrolyte imbalance, one of the most dangerous side effects of laxative abuse (6, 7).

    One small study of 24 patients showed that laxative use resulted in significant alterations in participants’ levels of sodium and potassium (8).

    Another study in 2,270 people showed that the laxatives commonly used to prepare for colonoscopies increased the risk of electrolyte disturbances (9).

    Although laxatives are generally safe for short-term use, some people worry they may lead to dependency with long-term use.

    This may be especially true for stimulant laxatives, which work by speeding up the movement of the intestinal tract to induce a bowel movement.

    However, most reports of laxative dependency are anecdotal.

    Despite some reports of individuals developing a tolerance to or becoming dependent on stimulant laxatives, there is little evidence showing these effects actually happen (10).

    In fact, some researchers have noted that tolerance to stimulant laxatives is uncommon and that there is minimal chance of dependency (11).

    More research is needed to evaluate the effects of long-term laxative use and the risk of dependency.

    In addition to causing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and possible dependence, laxative use has been associated with a number of other dangerous side effects, including:

    •Rhabdomyolysis: One case study showed that laxative abuse may have induced rhabdomyolysis, causing the rapid deterioration of muscle tissue and the release of a harmful protein into the bloodstream (12).

    •Gastrointestinal damage: A small study found that some recovered anorexia patients had changes in gastrointestinal function and long-term pancreatic damage as a result of former laxative use (13).

    •Liver damage: A case study reported that laxative use contributed to liver damage in one patient (14).

    •Kidney failure: Another case study showed that overusing laxatives appeared to have caused severe kidney failure requiring dialysis, a treatment that helps remove waste and toxins from the blood (15).

    However, more research is needed on the potential long-term effects and safety of laxative use.

    If you are using unhealthy weight loss methods like laxatives, purging or severe food restriction, stop and seek professional help to prevent long-term consequences to your health.

    There are many better, safer and more effective ways to lose weight without putting your health on the line.

    Here are some simple, proven ways to shed extra pounds:

    •Eat more fruits and vegetables: They’re low in calories, but rich in fiber. A higher intake of fruits and vegetables has been associated with a lower body weight (16, 17).

    •Increase your physical activity: Participating in aerobic exercise a few times per week can aid in weight loss and help prevent weight regain (18).

    •Reduce your portion sizes: Smaller portions mean fewer calories. One study even found that simply using smaller plates caused participants to eat less (19).

    Laxatives can be an effective remedy for increasing bowel movements and preventing constipation. However, laxative use is unlikely to lead to long-lasting weight loss.

    Furthermore, laxative abuse can come with many dangerous health effects, including dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and dangerous health conditions.

  3. Aug 12, 2023 · Laxatives are ultimately not safe for weight loss. Not only are they ineffective in maintaining a healthy weight over the long term, but they can also cause potentially severe health complications.

    • Laura Dorwart
  4. May 15, 2021 · The only approved use for laxatives is to relieve constipation. Constipation occurs if you have fewer than three bowel movements in a week. But, you don’t necessarily need to take a laxative if you’re constipated. Constipation may be uncomfortable, but it’s not dangerous. Most of the time, it lasts only a short while.

    • Amy Rushlow
  5. Sep 19, 2023 · Health News. What Happens If You Take Laxatives Every Day? By Stephanie Brown. Updated on September 19, 2023. Fact checked by Sarah Scott. Print. Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images. Key Takeaways. More Americans are relying on laxatives for having regular bowel movements.

  6. Jan 2, 2019 · Not only does constipation feel miserable—it can cause complications like hemorrhoids or anal fissures if you strain too hard to poop. Lifestyle modifications like eating more fiber-rich foods,...

  7. Apr 4, 2024 · Any weight loss from laxatives comes from the temporary loss of water — not fat cells. You’ll likely quickly gain the weight back after rehydrating. Taking laxatives for weight loss can lead to a number of health risks, including dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

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