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  1. Star Trek: First Contact. Stardate: 50893.5. OPENING CREDITS. [Picard's quarters] (Picard is having a dream about his memories from end of "Best of Both Worlds, Part I.") BORG QUEEN (OC): Locutus. PICARD: I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. (he is awakened by a comm bleep just as he is starting to be assimilated) PICARD: Authorisation ...

  2. May 15, 2017 · In Star Trek: First Contact, Picard hears the collective and orders the fleet to fire on an area of the cube that seemed low priority. What did he hear? Not to be "illogical" about it but was the collective screaming "hay gaiz we've got a hole in our shield down here in the garbage chute.

    • Directed
    • -- A WOMAN'S MOUTH. The skin pale, lips drained of
    • I just received a disturbing report from Deep Space Five. Long
    • RIKER
    • DATA
    • DATA
    • GEORDI
    • PICARD
    • CLOSE ON a cup of Earl Grey Tea. We are assaulted by
    • PICARD
    • RIKER
    • PICARD
    • RIKER
    • Troi 1 s
    • PICARD
    • Lieutenant Hawk ... set course for
    • PICARD
    • PICARD
    • PICARD
    • DATA
    • PICARD
    • BEVERLY (to Picard)
    • PICARD
    • DATA
    • Lifesigns?
    • TROI
    • ANGLE
    • LILY
    • LILY
    • PICARD
    • Precisely.
    • How much damage did they do?


    color. The mouth smiles, speaks in a low, raspy voice:

    range sensors have picked up But Picard already knows what he's going to say -- as we will learn, Picard has a mysterious connection to the Borg. He knows what's going on even before the Admiral says it.

    How many ships? PICARD One. And it's on a direct course for Earth. It will cross the Federation border in less than an hour. (beat}

    At maximum warp, it will take us three hours, twenty-five minutes to reach PICARD We're not going. If possible, this stuns everyone even more. What RIKER do you mean, we're not going?

    captain, there has been no unusual activity along the Romulan border for the past nine months. It seems highly unlikely that they would choose this moment to start a conflict. BEVERLY Does Starfleet feel we shakedown time? need more

    We've been in space for nearly a year. We're ready. The Enterprise-Eis the most advanced Starship in the fleet. We should be in the frontlines.

    I've gone through all this with Starfleet Command ... their orders stand. Dead silence falls on the room.

    OPERA playing at full-volume. Berlioz. The cup is rattling in its saucer in time to the dark, blaring music. MOVE TO REVEAL --

    (curt) Berlioz. What do you have? Riker hands him a

    We finished our first sensor sweep of the Neutral Zone. Picard takes the PADD, glances at it.

    Fascinating. Twenty particles of space dust per cubic meter . . . fifty-two ultra-violet radiation spikes ... and a class two comet. (dry) This is certainly worthy of our time. He tosses the PADD onto a table. Riker eyes him. They have a long relationship together and Riker is one of the few people who might get Picard to open up at this moment.

    Captain ... why are we chasing comets? out here Picard looks at him . . . tries to let go of some of the tension in his -voice .

    RIKER That's ridiculous. Your experience with the Borg makes you the perfect man to lead this fight.

    Admiral Hayes ... disagrees. com voice breaks the moment:

    (fritzed, overlapping) Flagship to Endeavor ... stand by to engage at grid A-fifteen. Defiant and Bozeman, fall back to mobile position one ... Acknowledged ... We have it in visual range ... A Borg Cube on course zero mark two-one-five .. . Speed: warp nine point eight .. . Suddenly a BORG VOICE breaks in -- thousands of voices speaking as one. An...

    Earth. Maximum warp. Surprised looks around the Bridge. Picard exchanges a knowing look with Riker, then turns to his crew.

    (to all) I am about to commit a direct violation of our orders. Any of you who wish to object, do so now . It will be noted in my log. Everyone looks at each other -- no one objects. DATA I think I speak for everyone here, sir, when I say ... to hell with our orders. Picard smiles. PICARD (to com) Red Alert. All hands to Battle Stations. The ship g...

    Main power's off-line! We've lost shields and our weapons are gone! A grim beat. WORF

    { to com) Bridge to Transporter Room Three. Beam the Defiant survivors aboard. RIKER Captain, the Admiral's ship has been destroyed. PICARD What's the status on the Borg Cube? DATA (off console) It has_ sustained heavy damage on its outer-hull. I am reading fluctuations in their power grid. PICARD On screen. - PICARD/VIEWSCREEN

    Number One, open a channel to the other Starfleet vessels. Riker works. Picard moves to Data"s console, working it rapidly. begins PICARD { to com)

    Captain, the coordinates you have indicated do not appear to be a vital system. Trust me,

    I can hear them. Picard doesn't respond. Just then the Turbolift doors open and Beverly ENTERS.

    I have a patient here who insisted on coming to the Bridge. She turns with a smile as Worf ENTERS, his uniform still torn and bloodied but otherwise okay.

    We could use some help at Tactical, Worf. Worf moves to Tactical, relieves the N.D. working there and begins familiarizing himself with the console.

    The atmosphere contains high concentrations of methane, monoxide and fluorine. carbon PICARD

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

    HAWK Can't tell. Long-range sensors are still off-line. Picard makes an instant decision -- much time. they don't have

  3. 50893.5 ( 2373 ) →. April 4 – 5, 2063. " Resistance is futile. Six years have passed since Captain Jean-Luc Picard was captured and assimilated by the Borg. Now, the Borg make a second attempt to conquer the Federation. Starfleet believes that Picard's experience makes him an "unstable element to a critical situation" and orders him to stay ...

  4. May 24, 2024 · Star Trek: First Contact. Star Trek: First Contact ( Paramount Pictures, 1996) is the eighth feature film based on the popular Star Trek science fiction television series. In it, the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation again encounter their adversaries, the Borg, and this time attempt to prevent the Borg from changing history by conquering ...

    • Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991)
    • Borg (1996) · Klingon Academy (2000)
  5. Violating orders to stay away from the battle, Captain Picard and the crew of the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise E pursue the Borg back in time to prevent the invaders from changing Federation history and assimilating the galaxy. Star Trek First Contact Script Resources: Star Trek First Contact Script PDF at Script Slug.

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  7. Oct 27, 2023 · opensource. Language. English. Get ready for the crew of the USS Enterprise, led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, to face their most formidable foes - the deadly Borg - in a battle through space and time! Discover all the behind-the-scenes secrets of the movie, including: an in-depth interview with director Jonathan Frakes.

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