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  1. Nov 3, 2009 · “Good religion,” or religion rooted in love, justice, hope, forgiveness and grace, is the core of the narrative that enslaved Africans believed was the heart of the gospel. But the world of the antebellum South painted a different picture for these people. Bad religion was the mantra of the day.

    • Why Do The Words We Use Matter So Much?
    • What’s The Difference Between Cursing and swearing?
    • What Does The Bible Say About Cursing and swearing?
    • So, Can We Say Bad Words?
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    If you’re a fan of the TV show The Office, you may remember the scene in which Michael Scott faced financial troubles and was told that bankruptcy was the easy way out. So, thinking his problems would soon be solved, he walked into his workplace and shouted, “I declare bankruptcy!” Part of why we all laugh at this moment is because we know his word...

    The Bible describes “cursing” (or “cussing”) and “swearing” as different categories of words, and both categories are separate from what we might call “bad words.” Before we can dig into verses about each category of speech, we need to define the words in the way the Bible’s human authors understood them.

    Now that we’ve defined our terms and understood why they matter, we’re ready to dig into Bible verses about each category of words:

    Maybe the better question to ask is this: What should our speech be like? The Bible has a lot to say about the kind of words we should use: 1. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Eph 4:29) 2. Let your speech always be gracious, sea...

    What Is Spiritual Formation—& Why Does It Matter? ‘A Living Sacrifice”? Paul’s Play on Words & What It Means False Friends and Dead Words in the KJV This article was compiled by Jennifer Grisham and Mary Jahnke. 1. Allen C. Myers, The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1987), 248. 2. R. K. Harrison, “Curse,” in The International ...

  2. Sep 24, 2012 · The two powers, or spirits, or gods—the good one and the bad one—are supposed to be quite independent. They both existed from all eternity. Neither of them made the other, neither of them has any more right than the other to call itself God. Each presumably thinks it is good and thinks the other bad.

  3. Jan 11, 2018 · Because over 92 percent of religiously-affiliated Americans currently identify as Christian, most “spiritual-but-not-religious” people come from that tradition. The term SBNR took off in...

  4. Oct 23, 2023 · Christians should always be tolerant of other religious beliefs but not accept them as the truth. Instead, Christians should respect and love others in their beliefs, but show greater love in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

  5. Oct 12, 2022 · First, most Christians have at some point asked themselves, “If I’m a true Christian, why do I keep sinning?” Second, Christians and others have asked questions like, “How could Christians have committed such atrocities during the Crusades?”

  6. Criticism of Christianity has a long history which stretches back to the initial formation of the religion in the Roman Empire. Critics have challenged Christian beliefs and teachings as well as Christian actions, from the Crusades to modern terrorism.

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