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  1. August 29 – US announces the discovery of plutonium fission, suitable for nuclear power generation. September 17–21 – The 1947 Fort Lauderdale Hurricane in southeastern Florida, and also in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, causes widespread damage and kills 51 people.

  2. Date: 1947. Map. Washington, D.C., and vicinity transportation map Includes notes. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. DCP. Contributor: Geological Survey (U.S.) - United States. Public Roads Administration.

    • 1940. April 1, 1940 - The 1940 census indicates a United States population of 132,164,569. This represented an increase of 7.3% since 1930, the lowest rate of increase in the 20th century.
    • 1941. March 11, 1941 - The George Washington Carver Museum is dedicated at the Tuskegee Institute with the participation of such luminaries as Henry Ford.
    • 1942. February 19, 1942 - Executive order 9066 is signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, confining 110,000 Japanese Americans, including 75,000 citizens, on the West Coast into relocation camps during World War II.
    • 1943. February 14, 1943 - The United States encounters its first major defeat in the European theater of World War II at the Battle for Kasserine Pass in Tunisia.
  3. 1947 Major News Events in History. Roswell UFO incident. U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall announces the “Marshall Plan”. The International Monetary Fund IMF begins to operate. The start of the Cold War which endured over four decades. The United Nations votes in favor of the creation of an Independent Jewish State of Israel.

  4. FUN FACTS: North America and Europe both experience severe winters. New York is hit with 28 inches of snow (Dec. 17), while Britain has its harshest winter in over 50 years. First documented sightings of "flying saucers". Drive-in theatres become a booming industry. Hillary Clinton, David Bowie, Elton John, and Arnold Schwarzenegger were born.

  5. The war left a swath of destruction that crippled infrastructure and led to massive food shortages in the winter of 1946-1947. The US government feared that a hungry, devastated Europe might turn to communism (as China would do in 1949).

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  7. In the twenty years following 1945, there was a broad political consensus concerning the Cold War and anti-Communism. Usually there was bipartisan support for most US foreign policy initiatives. After the United States intervened militarily in Vietnam in the mid-1960s, however, this political consensus began to break down.

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