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  1. The Love and Logic approach to parenting is built around the science of caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents and their children forms the foundation of good behavior and healthy decision-making.

  2. This program is known as Parenting with Love and Logic, a philosophy developed by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., and based on the experience of a combined total of over 75 years working with and raising kids.

  3. Love and Logic makes the science of raising and teaching kids fun and practical. Imagine a calmer, happier home or classroom that's free from power struggles, yelling and nagging, and filled with joy and mutual respect.

  4. What Is Love and Logic All About? The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children.

  5. Parenting with Love & Logic. Love and Logic is basically a process by which children grow through their mistakes and learn from the consequences of their choices. There are 2 basic rules in Love & Logic: Adults set firm limits in loving ways without anger, lecture, threats or repeated warnings.

  6. What Is Love and Logic All About? The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children.

  7. Love and Logic provides a wealth of free parenting articles, tips and advice for handling children of all ages. Trusted for 47 years, parents can depend on the advice provided by our experts.

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