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  1. Treaty of Amiens, (March 27, 1802), an agreement signed at Amiens, Fr., by Britain, France, Spain, and the Batavian Republic (the Netherlands), achieving a peace in Europe for 14 months during the Napoleonic Wars.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. Aug 31, 2021 · Britain’s tacit acceptance of the continental settlement in 1802 was predicated on the idea that there remained room for British influence to operate in French satellite states, notably the Netherlands.

    • Graeme Callister
    • 2021
  3. Mar 17, 2016 · In 1802, President Thomas Jefferson once again reached out to Britain to open talks regarding a reciprocal trade agreement and authorized Rufus King his minister to Britain to negotiate a deal.

    • Overview
    • The Treaty of Amiens
    • Redispositions in Europe
    • Economic aspects of the wars

    The British government had opened negotiations with France on February 21, 1801. William Pitt, whose place as prime minister had been taken by Henry Addington, approved of this overture not so much because of the collapse of Austria as because of the danger presented by the League of Armed Neutrality. The preliminaries having been concluded on Octo...

    The British government had opened negotiations with France on February 21, 1801. William Pitt, whose place as prime minister had been taken by Henry Addington, approved of this overture not so much because of the collapse of Austria as because of the danger presented by the League of Armed Neutrality. The preliminaries having been concluded on Octo...

    Representatives of the Cisalpine Republic, summoned to Lyons at the end of 1801 to remodel their constitution, invited Bonaparte in January 1802 to accept the presidency of the republic. It was henceforth to be known as the Italian Republic. Similar arrangements were subsequently made in the Ligurian Republic and in Lucca. Piedmont was brought under direct French rule in September 1802.

    In Germany the compensation of the rulers dispossessed by the French was settled by the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss (Principal Decree of the Imperial Deputation) of February 1803. French and, to a lesser extent, Russian influence marked the negotiations by which the ecclesiastical principalities and all but six of the imperial cities were distributed among the displaced princes and the larger German states. The church in Germany lost nearly 2,500,000 subjects, while Prussia gained nearly 400,000. Bavaria’s losses on the left bank of the Rhine were more than compensated by the acquisition of bishoprics and imperial cities to the east; Württemberg, Baden, Hesse-Kassel, and Salzburg became electorates. Austria gained some territory but was in effect weakened, since the new settlement not only left the Reich feebler but also lessened the emperor’s voice in its affairs. The coming of peace accelerated Bonaparte’s reorganization of French institutions and overhaul of governmental machinery. His achievement in this field provided the model for countries under French occupation during the following decade.

    France had a population of 27,350,000 in 1801 as opposed to Great Britain’s 10,942,146 and had gained much territory in the warfare since 1792. However, a significant advance in economic strength was to enable Great Britain to wage war against this formidable adversary and to achieve the “miracles of credit” whereby foreign military assistance could be subsidized. The French, whose manufactures progressed less dramatically than the British and whose seaborne trade had been strangled, found it impossible to raise funds commensurate with their aggressive policy in Europe, so that Napoleon had to rely on the spoils of conquest to supplement the deficiencies of French finance.

    Many of the figures for British overseas trade during the period represent official values based on a scale of prices current in the 1690s, regardless of market value. Useful only for comparison, the official scale shows that exports rose from £20,000,000 in 1790 to £53,500,000 in 1814, increasing by 75 percent between 1790 and 1801 and by 51 percent between 1801 and 1814. The total expenditure of the British government in 1793 was £30,590,000, of which war services amounted to £10,340,000 (nearly twice the figure for peacetime); in 1814 these sums had increased to £163,790,000 and £69,070,000 respectively. The steep rise in national income made this possible both by providing immediate revenue and by supplying the funds from which investors lent to the state, whose debts rose from £230,000,000 at the beginning of 1793 to £507,000,000 in 1802 and to £900,000,000 in 1815. For the period as a whole, 35 percent of the addition to the country’s expenditure caused by the war was met from current revenue, and between 1802 and 1813 the proportion of total net governmental income derived from borrowing was never more than 54.7 percent.

    Great Britain had superior banking services, could suspend payments in gold at home, and was preponderant in the European money market. France by contrast was financially hampered by a national economy and financial machinery ill-constituted to produce government credit, by the virtual impossibility of inflating the metallic currency, and by potential investors’ lack of confidence in the regime. The deliberate obscurity of Napoleon’s budgetary system makes it difficult to ascertain the exact state of government finances. Among the privy funds that he amassed were (1) the trésor de l’armée (treasury of the army), formed by Austrian and Prussian war contributions and estimated to have furnished 743,000,000 francs between 1805 and 1810; and (2) the domaine extraordinaire of January 1810, largely composed of the territories which Napoleon had retained in the satellite states. These hidden sources of income met some part of French expenditure, and foreign states made further contributions of money as well as troops and supplies, but the disparity between French and British financial resources remains clear. In 1813, when French expenditure was in the region of £40,000,000, the British government was able to borrow £105,000,000 of the £174,000,000 that it spent.

    Napoleon’s economic ideas owed much to the outmoded mercantilist school. He hoped to destroy Great Britain’s capacity to make war by closing the European markets to British trade. Yet, when at last he was in a position to do so, the military strength whereby he had enforced his will on Europe was so strained that the Continental powers could break the boycott prematurely and resume hostilities against his widely dispersed armies. Imported grain provided no more than 5 percent of Great Britain’s consumption in normal years and is estimated never to have exceeded 16 percent, though in such periods as 1800–01 and 1811–12 home production of grain fell short of normal demand by 40 percent. There is no evidence that Napoleon ever considered withholding grain from Great Britain in an attempt to force withdrawal from the war: when he did suspend shipments, as in 1811–12, it was because grain was scarce in Europe. At other times his mercantilist views led him to export French grain to Great Britain, provided that France received cash, not goods, in return. For the mercantile marine France had had more than 2,000 ships employed in European and colonial trade by 1792 but possessed only 200 ships of 200 tons or more by 1800, while British strength rose by one-third in ten years to number 19,772 vessels (2,037,000 tons) in 1802 and was to reach 21,869 ships (2,447,831 tons) in 1815. Maritime supremacy enabled the British to dominate the colonial reexport trade (coffee, tea, sugar, spices, cotton and dyes) to the great advantage of their national economy.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. In 1802, Napoleon ended ten years of warfare with Great Britain under the Peace of Amiens. He used this opportunity to attempt to crush the Haitian Revolution, but the army he sent met with defeat. Napoleon had also re-obtained the North American province of Louisiana from Spain in 1800.

  5. May 9, 2018 · Amiens, treaty of, 1802. The treaty provided the only break in the long war between Britain and revolutionary and Napoleonic France from 1793 to 1814. By 1801 the conflict was near to stalemate.

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  7. Relations between the United Kingdom and the United States have ranged from military opponents to close allies since 1776. The Thirteen Colonies seceded from the Kingdom of Great Britain and declared independence in 1776, fighting a successful revolutionary war.