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  1. Roger H. Stuewer. School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota 116 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. (Received December 6, 2005) Albert Einstein’s light-quantum paper was the only one of his great papers of 1905 that he himself called “very revolutionary”. I sketch his arguments for light quanta, his analysis of the ...

  2. I sketch Albert Einstein’s revolutionary conception of light quanta in 1905 and his in-troduction of the wave-particle duality into physics in 1909 and then o er reasons why physicists generally had rejected his light-quantum hypothesis by around 1913. These physicists included Robert A. Millikan, who con rmed Einstein’s equation of the photo-

  3. Sep 1, 2015 · Cosmology. Few of Albert Einstein’s sayings have been as widely quoted as his remark that God does not play dice with the universe. People have naturally taken his quip as proof that he was ...

    • George Musser
  4. Throughout most of this period, the physics community treated the light-quanta hypothesis with "skepticism bordering on derision": 357 and maintained this attitude even after Einstein's photoelectric law was validated. The citation for Einstein's 1922 Nobel Prize very deliberately avoided all mention of light-quanta, instead stating that it was ...

  5. Mar 15, 2017 · On the reading that energy is quantised the corresponding 'energy quanta' may be compared with the 'light quanta' as introduced by Einstein in 1905. This leads us to the prehistory of quantum indistinguishability (section 4 ), since already in 1914 Ehrenfest and Kammerlingh Onnes could show that (in our terminology) 'distinguishable' light ...

    • Oliver Passon, Johannes Grebe-Ellis
    • 2017
  6. Einstein’s 1905 “photoelectric paper”, where he first proposed the idea of quanta of light, was concerned mainly with blackbody radiation. The radiation density distribution ρ ( ν , T ) , according to Planck, was directly related to the average energy of cavity oscillators ρ = 8 π ν 2 c − 3 U .

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  8. w Einstein lost the battle to explain quantum realityBy suppressing ‘philosophical’ questions, post-war physicists crea. ed an unquesti. hodoxy that lingers to this day. By Jim ...

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