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  1. For the scene where the character played by Brigitte Fossey gets her breasts sucked by Patrick Dewaere's, the actress, who slipped into this role, "was not frightened", but Bertrand Blier still remembers a moment when the actress got a little scared, because she "had a little dizziness when she was caught between the two guys, one who sucked ...

  2. Going Places. Two thugs harass assault, steal, murder, Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor, on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.

  3. Et puis enfin Brigitte Fossey, qui héritera d'une scène érotique et culte à la fois. Seule dans un train, elle allaite son bébé lorsqu'elle tombe sur les deux voyous.

  4. In reference to the scene on the train Brigitte Fossey said, "I was supposed to breastfeed a child but I had no milk. I then smeared my breasts with honey and the baby saw nothing but fire". One of the most erotic scenes of this movie takes place in an empty train.

  5. Despite its occasional charm, its several amusing moments and the touching scenes played by Jeanne Moreau, “Going Places” is a film of truly cynical decadence. It’s also, not incidentally, the most misogynistic movie I can remember; its hatred of women is palpable and embarrassing.

  6. There’s a complex and disturbing sequence in a train with a young woman (Brigitte Fossey) nursing her baby. And when Jean-Claude sees a care-worn but quietly dignified and self-possessed woman...

  7. The woman (Brigitte Fossey) is utterly terrified as the men sidle up to her to stare at her threateningly while nursing her baby. She moves to another part of the train but they follow, their lazy aggression a palpable presence.

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