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  1. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award helps young people build life-long belief in themselves, supporting them to take on their own challenges, follow their passions, and discover talents they never knew they had.

  2. The Bronze Award is the first step to getting involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and you can continue your Award journey by undertaking Silver and then Gold levels.

  3. 14-24 year olds can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold.

  4. Apr 8, 2021 · The Bronze Award is the first step to geting involved in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and you can continue your Award journey by undertaking Silver and then Gold levels. Your Bronze Award Requirements. To begin, you need to plan your Award by choosing an activity and a personally challenging goal for each of the four sections.

    • Find an Award Centre and Register Online. When registering for the Award, you will be asked which Award Centre you are connected to. Participants must belong to an active Award Centre before they are able to register and start their Award.
    • Choose an Award Level. The Award is open to anyone between the ages of 14 and 24. First you will need to decide which level is right for you. There are three levels to this award
    • Plan Your Activities. There are four sections to complete for each Award level, plus a Gold Project that is completed at Gold. Voluntary Service. Participants volunteer in their communities, make a positive contribution to society and demonstrate social responsibility.
    • Check in With Your Assessors. Assessors are adults who can vouch for your completion of the activities you record and your progress towards your goals.
  5. Timescales. There are three levels of programme you can do which, when you’ve successfully completed them, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The main differences between them are the minimum length of time it takes to complete them, how challenging it is and the minimum age you can start.

  6. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (commonly abbreviated DofE) is a youth awards programme founded in the United Kingdom in 1956 by the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, which has since expanded to 144 nations.

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