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  1. Edict of Milan

  2. Edict of Toleration by Galerius 311 AD (Ch. 34.) Among other arrangements which we are always accustomed to make for the prosperity and welfare of the republic, we had desired formerly to bring all things into harmony with the ancient laws and public order of the Romans, and to provide that even the Christians who had left the religion of their fathers should come back to reason ; since ...

  3. In the following. year, 313, both emperors jointly issued the Decree of Milan, by. which they gave full religious liberty to the Christians.More than. any other document emanating from secular authority this De-. cree has "changed the face of the earth." Constantine was the. prime mover.

  4. Jan 4, 2021 · The Edict in Milan was a continuation of Galerius’s Edict of Tolerance issued on April 30, 311 CE. It was the first legal action in history to establish religious freedom for Christians in the Roman Empire. It does not change the form of things, however, that in some parts of the Empire local rulers did not agree to its decisions.

  5. Edict of Milan (A.D. 313) An earlier Edict of Toleration of Gelarius, issued in A.D. 311, can be accessed here. V.1 Φέρε δή, λοιπὸν καὶ τῶν βασιλικῶν διατάξεων Κωνσταντίνου καὶ Λικιννίου τὰς ἐκ τῆς Ῥωμαίων φωνῆς μεταληφθείσας ...

  6. Lactantius - The Edict of Milan. Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XLVIII. Latin text from Migne PL, Vol. 7, Col. 267. An English translation of this text, placed alongside the Latin text, can be found on the subscription version of the site. The Migne version of the complete Latin text of this work (scanned text at Google Books) and an English ...

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  8. The persecution of Christians ended in 313 when Constantine of the West and Licinius of the East proclaimed the Edict of Milan, which established a policy of religious freedom for all. This is an English translation of the edict. When I, Constantine Augustus, as well as I, Licinius Augustus, fortunately met near Mediolanurn (Milan), and were ...

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