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  1. › wiki › 11th_century11th century - Wikipedia

    The 11th century is the period from 1001 (represented by the Roman numerals MI) through 1100 (MC) in accordance with the Julian calendar, and the 1st century of the 2nd millennium . In the history of Europe, this period is considered the early part of the High Middle Ages.

  2. The Eleventh Century. A central theme of the eleventh century (the 1000s) in Europe was the struggle between church and state, or between popes and kings. From the mid-800s to the early eleventh century, a series of corrupt popes succeeded in nearly destroying the reputation of the papacy, just as emperors such as Otto the Great were enhancing ...

  3. For the first time since the fall of the empire in the 5th century, western Europe was relatively free from outside attack. Some important features of 11th-century Europe were an increase in the population, an end of the economic depression, and a commercial revolution.

  4. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle : Eleventh Century. A.D. 1000. This year the king went into Cumberland, and nearly laid waste the whole of it with his army, whilst his navy sailed about Chester with the design of co-operating with his land- forces; but, finding it impracticable, they ravaged Anglesey.

  5. The Bayeux Tapestry provides an excellent example of Anglo-Norman art. It serves as a medieval artifact that operates as art, chronicle, political propaganda, and visual evidence of eleventh-century mundane objects, all at a monumental scale. This astounding work continues to fascinate.

  6. The huge stone heads standing on Easter Island are carved and erected at some time between the sixth and seventeenth century AD

  7. By the beginning of the eleventh century al-Andalus was not simply the dominant political force in the Iberian peninsula, but it was probably the most powerful state in the entire western Mediterranean region, its boundaries stretching from North Africa to the Duero.

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