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  2. Throughout the novel, Jane struggles to find the right balance between moral duty and earthly pleasure, between obligation to her spirit and attention to her body. She encounters three main religious figures: Mr. Brocklehurst, Helen Burns, and St. John Rivers.

  3. Jane Eyre Themes. Next. Love, Family, and Independence. Themes and Colors. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Jane Eyre, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Love, Family, and Independence. As an orphan at Gateshead, Jane is oppressed and dependent.

  4. Jane Eyre Themes. Family. The main quest in Jane Eyre is Jane's search for family, for a sense of belonging and love. However, this search is constantly tempered by Jane’s need for independence. She begins the novel as an unloved orphan who is almost obsessed with finding love as a way to establish her own identity and achieve happiness.

    • Role of the Family. Jane is in search of love that only a family can give. A family gives a sense of belonging and relationships. However, this search for a family does not dampen her desire for independence.
    • Religion. Religion plays an important role in the life of a person and in society. It is an important part of the society in which Jane Eyre grows up.
    • Social Status. Charlotte Bronte has consistently shown how poor are treated according to their financial status. Mr. Reed takes Jane as she is his niece.
    • Gender Discrimination. Class discrimination and social hierarchies give birth to gender inequalities during the Victorian era. Jane could not stop obstacles coming on her way because she was a female.
  5. Jane Eyre includes themes of reforms that emerged from the crisis: better political representation, working conditions, and education. Few of these reforms came immediately for women, who had limited status in Victorian society.

  6. Sep 5, 2023 · The main themes in Jane Eyre are Christian morality, the search for home, and passion and love. Christianity and Morality: Jane encounters various perspectives on Christianity and morality,...

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