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  1. Mud Drink - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Toffee Nut Latte Cupcakes
    During the holidays, it always feels like Christmas is around the corner when Starbucks launches their annual holiday beverages, especially my favourite Toffee Nut Latte. I love the combo and would continue drinking it until the stores would run out of it. Now that I live in a country where unfortunately there are no Starbucks in the vicinity, I was able to get a bottle of the Toffee Nut syrup, which I used anytime I drank coffee here, to bring me some holiday spirit. And when it was a close friend's birthday, I wanted to surprise her with some homemade cupcakes. She loves coffee, so I knew they would definitely include some coffee. But considering I am not a good baker :( I accidentally added too much baking soda in the mixture and no matter how good they were, the aftertaste of the baking soda was just unbearable ( for the first time ever, even my mom didn't compliment them). There was not time to make another batch so I thought that if I made a really nice frosting cream on top maybe the cupcakes itself would't taste that bad. And by using some mascarpone and cream I had in hand, I also noticed the Toffee Nut syrup. Remembering how one of my colleagues recently said that the syrup could even turn mud into something delicious, I miraculously saved those cupcakes. And that's how the recipe was created :)