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  1. May 3, 2024 · Tall Fescue. Schedonorus arundinaceus. Symbol: SCAR7. Group: Monocot. Family: Poaceae. Description: Perennial, cool-season bunchgrass grown for pasture, hay, and silage. Also used for reducing oil erosion, recycling nutrients from manure and biosolids, and for turf, with good wear characteristics.

  2. Tall fescue is a robust long-lived, comparatively deep-rooted, bunchgrass. The leaves of forage types are broad, while turf types have been selected for narrow leaves. The flat leaves are smooth and shiny on the underside, with pronounced ribs on the upper surface. The stems are 3-4 feet tall, supporting a nodding panicle that is 4-12 inches long.

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  4. When tall fescue and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) infected with Neotyphodium endophytes were found to cause disorders in grazing animals, it seemed sensible to eliminate these fungi from Introduction | Forage Information System | Oregon State University

  5. Description. The fescues ( Festuca spp.) compose a large genus of about 100 species of grasses. Tall fescue ( Festuca arundinacea ) is a deep rooted, cool season perennial grass. The plant produces vigorous growth in the spring and fall and its extensive root system helps it withstand drought conditions.

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