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  1. Dec 16, 2019 · Tropical rainforest animals include the okapi, tapir, rhinoceros, gorilla, jaguar, poison dart frog, boa constrictor, toucan, spider monkey, and sloth.

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    • Jaguars
    • Anacondas
    • Harpy Eagles
    • Poison Dart Frogs
    • Gorillas
    • Chimpanzees
    • Gaboon Vipers
    • Tigers
    • Orangutans
    • Hornbills

    Jaguars are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain in their environment. Jaguars are amazing hunters that will hunt almost anything found on the forest floor. Not only that, but Jaguars are amazing swimmers and have also been known to eat turtles, fish, and even caimans. Where Jaguars are found: Jaguars can be found in Centra...

    Anacondas are one of the largest snakes in the worldby weight. They can also be considered as apex predators and have been known to sit in ambush to hunt rodents, birds, reptiles and even large mammals that come down to water sources to drink before quickly striking and then constricting their prey to death. Where Anacondas are found: Anacondas inh...

    Harpy Eagles are the Kings of the bird world, at least in the Amazon Rainforest. They have a broad wingspan up to 6.5 ft long, enormous talons similar in size to grizzly bear claws, and a very large, sharp beak. They are effective hunters and can take down other birds, small to midsize mammals and even deer! Where Harpy Eagles are found: Harpy Eagl...

    Poison Dart Frogs are only tiny, but the toxins secreted from poison glands in their skin can pack a powerful punch. There are several species of Poison Dart Frogs, some of them sporting bright blues, yellows, reds and greens and vibrant patterns. Where Poison Dart Frogs are found: Poison Dart Frogs spend much of their time on the forest floor wher...

    Gorillas are revered as the kings of the primate world. They are the largest living primates and are recognized by their large hands that they sometimes beat against their broad chests. There are a handful of species of Gorillas, all of which are found in Africa. Where Gorillas are found: Gorillas can be found in the tropical rainforests of equator...

    Chimpanzees are known for their incredible intelligence, and one has even been sent on a space mission! But in the wild Chimpanzees spend most of their time traversing through the treetops of lush tropical Rainforests in equatorial Africa. They have been known to use tools, such as sticks to fish termites out of ant hills and leaves to soak up drin...

    Gaboon Vipers are one of the largest venomous snakes in the worldby mass. Their fangs, the longest of any snake, can measure up to 2 inches in length and inject a large amount of venom, second only to the King Cobra. Gaboon Vipers, like the primates on this list, are from Africa where they can be found in fallen leaf litter, waiting to ambush their...

    Tigers, the biggest cats in the world, can be found in a handful of different habitat types including tropical rainforests. Tigers can be territorial and need extremely large areas of land to fulfill their biological needs. With rates of deforestation increasing, Tiger populations have unfortunately suffered greatly. Where Tigers are found: There a...

    Orangutans, with their long, orange fur are an amazing species of primate. They are unlike many other primates in the sense that they are typically solitary animals. Orangutans have a limited distribution and have been greatly impacted by deforestation, which has led to them being critically endangered. Where Orangutans are found: Orangutans have a...

    Hornbills are a group of large, impressive birds, known for their large beaks that look like two bills stacked on top of each other. There are several species of Hornbills that inhabit the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Hornbills feed on fruit and are absolutely critical for seed dispersal, and therefore very important for fruiting trees i...

    • Mountain Gorilla. Mountain gorillas are the largest living primates on earth! Along with chimpanzees, orangutan, and bonobos, they are the closest living relatives of humans, with mountain gorillas having the most developed brain of the four.
    • Blue Morpho Butterfly. With its brilliant, iridescent blue wings, the blue morpho butterfly flutters through the rainforest canopy. The many “eyespots” on its brown underside trick predators into thinking the butterfly is a large predator.
    • Okapi. The striking okapi—the closest living relative of the giraffe—lives in the dense tropical Ituri Forest of Central Africa. A master of camouflage, its striped hindquarters and brown hide helps it “disappear” into the filtered light of the forest.
    • Brown-Throated Three-Toed Sloth. The slow-moving sloth, weighing only eight or nine pounds, lives exclusively in trees, feeding on leaves, twigs, and fruit.
  2. Jan 16, 2020 · Animals in tropical rainforests can be as diverse as exotic birds, colorful frogs, large insects, and large cats. Rainforest plants such as large trees, beautiful orchids, strange-looking flowers, and tasty fruits just add to the rainforest biome. The tropical rainforest biome is the flora and fauna that make up the ecosystem. Some estimates ...

  3. Nov 14, 2022 · Tropical rainforests range between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (in places with high annual precipitation), and extend for much of the Earth's circumference. These areas are rich in biodiversity, with as much as half of all known species of flora and fauna residing under their dense canopy.

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  4. Nov 14, 2023 · A tropical rainforests unique mix of high rainfall and constant high temperature provides plants and animals with an ideal environment in which to live. Because of their high biodiversity , tropical rainforests are among the world’s most important habitats.

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  6. Apr 26, 2024 · The combination of year-round sunlight, warmth and rainfall is what creates the biodiversity of amazing rainforest animals found in the tropical rainforests of Africa, Asia and Central and South America. From the forest floor to the canopy layer, these regions are full of colorful and curious creatures. Contents.

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