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  1. Dec 17, 2020 · Women, for instance, tend to be warmer and more sensitive (on average) while men tend to be more assertive, research suggests. Others are more difficult to detect. Here are six lesser-known...

    • Introduction
    • Breasts vs. Chests
    • Big Apple vs. Small
    • Square vs. Heart-Shaped Faces
    • Hairy vs. Not
    • Fair vs. Swarthy
    • Muscular vs. Curvy

    "Sexual dimorphism" is the scientific term for physical differences between males and females of a species. Many extreme examples exist: Peacocks far outclass peahens, for instance, while female anglerfish both outsize and outwit their tiny, rudimentary, parasitic male counterparts. Unlike those animals, men and women are more physically similar th...

    Women have breasts, whereas men have flat chests (but still with nipples on them). Why? Women are the only primates who are busty all the time, even when they aren't nursing. Alternative theoriesexist, but most scientists think breasts are an evolutionary trick for snagging men; though they're actually filled with fat, not milk, they signal a woman...

    Men and women both have cartilage surrounding their voice boxes, but because men have bigger boxes (which give them deeper voices), their chunks of cartilage protrude more. This gives them neck lumps called Adam's apples. But why do men have deeper voices than women? The answer is that the pitch of a man's voicecorrelates with the amount of the mal...

    The more testosterone a man has, the stronger his brow, cheekbones and jaw line. Meanwhile, the more estrogen a woman has, the wider her face, fuller her lips and the higher her eyebrows. In short, sex hormones control the divergence of male and female facial features. Along with chiseled jaws, higher testosterone has been shown to correlate with m...

    From puberty on, men grow much more hair on their bodies and especially their faces than women. This is because sex hormones called androgens stimulate hair growth, and men have more of those hormones. But what determines the pattern of male hair growth? And in particular, why do men have beards? Most evolutionary psychologists believe beards becam...

    Handsome men are often depicted as dark, while beautiful women are stereotyped as blond and fair-skinned. These stereotypes are not limited to Anglo-European cultures, as one might imagine. In the forward of a 2005 book on the subject, "Fair Women, Dark Men" by Peter Frost, University of Washington sociologist Pierre van den Berghe wrote, "Although...

    Men are, in general, more muscular than women. Women are just over half as strong as men in their upper bodies, and about two-thirds as strong in their lower bodies. [What's the Strongest Muscle In the Human Body?] While the male metabolism burns calories faster, the female metabolism tends to convert more food to fat. Women store the extra fat in ...

    • She wants it all. So does he. When we talk about how men and women define success, we often generalize: Women want balance, or to “have it all.” Men want status, and its symbols—houses, cars, stuff.
    • She wears her heart on her sleeve. He tucks it away. If I’ve heard this once, I’ve heard it a thousand times: “He can’t connect emotionally.” It’s a universal complaint among women, it seems (along with unequal pay for equal work and the difficulty of finding the perfect pair of jeans).
    • She fights. He takes flight. Perhaps this sounds familiar: A bad day for her ends in tears and a desire to rehash what went wrong and who did what, followed by a plan for how to “fix” it.
    • She has lots of friends. He has, well, fewer. No matter how sure you are that men spend their free time complaining about the women in their lives, science says otherwise.
  2. Feb 19, 2024 · Research is cutting through historical discrimination and gender politics to get to the truth about differences between the brains of men and women. FOR most of recorded history, men and...

  3. When they study differences in the way self-identified men and women think (such as how they read a map), feel (the degree to which they experience empathy), and behave (say, their likelihood of...

  4. Mar 1, 2016 · The Truth about Gender Differences in How We Speak. Men and women have different ways of speaking, but research reveals the conversational gender divide is not as stark as it seems. By Deborah...

  5. What's the difference between men and women? - BBC Science Focus Magazine.

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