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  1. The recall petition was filed with the Arizona Secretary of State’s office on February 11, 2021, by Shelby Bush and Eric Wnuck. The petition listed the following reasons for recall: We the People seek to recall Governor Doug Ducey for violation of his oath of office A.R.S 38-231.

  2. Mar 7, 2015 · Arizonans need to take a stand and recall Governor Doug Ducey from his elected position. We deserve better. The circulator of this petition is a volunteer circulator. For more information on recalls in Arizona, please refer to Arizona - Const. Art. 8, §1-6; Ariz. Rev. Stat. §19-201 – 19-234.

  3. Aug 29, 2020 · Governor Ducey has committed a violation of his oath of office A.R.S. 38-231 by issuing an unconstitutional executive order, by unequally enforcing the law on Arizona citizens and businesses, and by failure to address citizens grievances.

  4. Citizens of Arizona, let Governor Doug Ducey know what they think think of his leadership failure during the Covid-19 pandemic and petition for his recall.

  5. Oct 25, 2023 · Accountable Arizona is grassroots organization working to recall Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey for his failure to stop the spread of COVID-19. Sign the petition!

  6. Erin L started this petition to Voters in AZ Governor Doug Ducey is putting his constituents at risk by ignoring data, not mandating protections like masks, and not listening to other elected members of AZ Congress.

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  8. Nov 20, 2020 · The group seeking to force a recall election against Gov. Doug Ducey says their movement is picking up steam in the weeks after the election — they're reporting a 400% uptick in donations and an eightfold increase in volunteers since Election Day.

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