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  1. Heart Healthy Menus And Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Low-Fat Deviled Eggs on Sweet Potato Nests
    World Egg Day is celebrated every year on the second Friday in October and this “eggcellent” form of protein is a great way to mark the day. These eggs are tucked securely in their nests and full of lots of things to make your body happy. Eggs are full of protein to keep your body running smoother and more efficiently. They also promote healthy brain development. The sweet potatoes have many vitamins and minerals that your body needs, like vitamin B6, vitamins C and D, iron and potassium. Sweet potatoes and the chickpeas, both, help to regulate blood sugar. They also control heart disease by lowering blood pressure and controlling your heart rate. Chickpeas are one of the oldest known eaten crops in the world. They are primary in the diets of some of the healthiest regions of the world. Boosting your immune system is also one of the many benefits of adding chickpeas to your daily menu. Chickpeas are a great food when you are trying to lose weight because they make you feel full for longer periods of time and boost your body’s natural digestion processes. So, no matter what your personal health objectives are, these snacks will have you flying from your nest and on your way to achieving your goals. The recipe can be found here -
    Grass-Fed Beef Meatloaf in a Bacon Blanket
    It's good news for America that grass-fed beef is increasingly available in supermarkets. Cattle were meant to eat grass, and they are efficient at converting that green goodness into nutrient-dense meat, rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins A and E, to say nothing of environmental benefits. Because grass-fed beef is leaner than grain-fed, it's not quite as tender. So turning it into a meatloaf is a great and economical way to make a meal of it. A little ground pork adds the bit of richness that all meatloaves need, and if you can persuade the butcher to grind some pork shoulder for you, all the better. Meatloaves look naked without some sort of topping, and bacon is the obvious trendy choice to entice finicky eaters; feel free to aim for high-end bacon from heritage hogs. **_Editors' Note:_** Kemp Minifie reimagined the foil tray frozen dinner for [_Gourmet Live_]( Her updated menu includes: [meatloaf](/recipes/food/views/368549) made from grass-fed beef, [scalloped potatoes,](/recipes/food/views/368569) [lemony green veggies,](/recipes/food/views/368550) and your new favorite [brownies](/recipes/food/views/368530) for dessert.
    The Gypsy Chicks' Summer Terrine for a Party!
    This recipe is dedicated to my wonderful teammates of the Cafe ZMAKK Gypsies of ZWT4! We had such fun and became such good friends that I devised this hot-weather terrine as a permanent gesture of our friendship! They suggested the ingredients, which are light and healthy! The terrine can be served in thick slices as a starter, or as part of a lunch menu. This is no throw-together family dish, but neither is it as intricate as it looks! Prepping some of the veggies can be done the day before. It's fun to make and really creative. Will be great on your gourmet lunch or dinner table! Should you decide to make it, read the recipe first -- the principle is simple. Use a vegetarian jelling agent if you prefer. Also, other mushroom types can be used; I used what I had at hand. I give both US and metric measurements.
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