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  1. › wiki › HivitesHivites - Wikipedia

    The Hivites (Hebrew: חִוִּים ‎ Ḥiwwîm) were one group of descendants of Canaan, son of Ham, according to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 (10:17). A variety of proposals have been made, but beyond the references in the Bible to Hivites in the land of Canaan, no consensus has been reached about their precise historical identity.

  2. › map-israel-joshua › the-hivitesThe Hivites - Bible History

    The Hivites (Hebrew "chivim" wicked) lived in the northern section of Canaan below Mount Hermon. They also inhabited Shechem during the time of Jacob. The Gibeonites who made a peace treaty with Joshua were Hivites. The main cities of the Hivites were Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and Kirjath-jearim.

  3. In Genesis 10:17, the Hivite is one of the sons of Canaan. Hivites were located in the Lebanon hills ( Judg 3:3) and in the Hermon range ( Josh 11:3 ). In the reign of David they are listed after Sidon and Tyre ( 2 Sam 24:7 ), implying their location near these cities.

  4. Hivites. ( villagers), The, descendants --the six in order-- of Canaan the son of Ham. ( Genesis 10:17; 1 Chronicles 1:15) We first encounter the actual people of the Hivites at the time of Jacob's return to Canaan. ( Genesis 34:2) We next meet with the Hivites during the conquest of Canaan.

  5. The Hivites were a nation that descended from Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah (Genesis 10:17). The first time they play an active role in the Bible is when Shechem the Hivite raped Dinah , the daughter of Jacob and Leah , and full blood sister of Simeon and Levi (Genesis 34).

  6. The Hivite was the sixth son of Canaan (Gen. x. 17). In the first enumeration (Gen. xv. 19-21) of the nations which occupied Palestine in the time of Abraham, the Hivites are not mentioned.

  7. Discover the meaning of Hivites in the Bible. Study the definition of Hivites with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  8. HIVITE. hi'-vit (chiwwni; Heuaios): 1. Name: A son of Canaan ( Genesis 10:17 ), i.e. an inhabitant of the land of Canaan along with the Canaanite and other tribes ( Exodus 3:17, etc.).

  9. › religion › encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-mapsHivites |

    The term Hivites is unattested in extra-biblical sources. The suggestion that the Hivites are the Greek Achaeans, known from the Iliad, who appear in Egyptian documents as akioasha, seems linguistically dubious.

  10. Hivites: Israel Commanded to Destroy. Hivites: Land of, Promised to Israel. Hivites: One of the Seven Nations of Canaan. Hivites: Pay Tribute to Solomon. Hivites: Remnant of, Made Tributary in the Reign of Solomon. Hivites: Shechemites and Gibeonites Were Families of. Hivites: Supposed to be the Ancient Avim, or Avites. Hivites: The Gibeonites ...

  11. Discover the meaning of Hivite in the Bible. Study the definition of Hivite with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  12. The seven nations in Canaan that God "destroyed" (Acts 13:19) were, from north to south, Hivites (north of the Sea of Galilee), Girgashites (Galilee region), Canaanites (western plains), Amorites (eastern mountains), Jebusites (around and including Jerusalem), Perizzites (southwest, near Gaza), and Hittites (near the Dead Sea): "When the LORD ...

  13. The people of Gibeon were Hivites, descendants of Canaan, the grandson of Noah whom God cursed on account of his sexual perversion. God promised Abraham the land the descendants of Canaan had settled in, of which the Hivites owned a significant part.

  14. Hi'vite (Heb. Chivvi', חַוַּי, usu. with the art., often collectively for the plur., "the Hivite," i.e. Hivites; Sept.. o Ebaiog), a designation of one of the nations inhabiting Palestine before the Israelites.

  15. Hivites. (villagers ), The, descendants --the six in order-- of Canaan the son of Ham. ( Genesis 10:17 ; 1 Chronicles 1:15 ) We first encounter the actual people of the Hivites at the time of Jacobs return to Canaan. ( Genesis 34:2 ) We next meet with the Hivites during the conquest of Canaan.

  16. Joshua 9:7 And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites, Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you? Joshua 11:19 There was not a city that made peace with the children of Israel, save the Hivites the inhabitants of Gibeon: all other they took in battle.

  17. Non-Semitic minorities within the population of Canaan who frequently became involved in the affairs of the Israelites. Hittite and Hivite peoples of Indo-European origin, identified within the population of Canaan (as “sons” of Canaan) in the Table of Nations ( Genesis 10:15 ,Genesis 10:15, 10:17 ), seemingly infiltrated from their ...

  18. One of the Canaanitic nations dispossessed by the children of Israel ( Genesis 10:17; Exodus 23:23,28; et al. ). In the Hebrew text the name occurs only in the singular; its meaning is, according to Gesenius, "the villager" (comp. , or, according to Ewald ("Gesch. des Volkes Israel," 1:318), "the midlander," the Hivites having previously ...

  19. Namely, five lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baalhermon unto the entering in of Hamath. 2 Chronicles 8:7 chapter context similar meaning copy save.

  20. The condition is accepted; the stage is now set for a massacre. Come the third day, the newly circumcised Hivites are at the peak of their pain, and Simeon and Levi renege on their word and spoil the good faith placed in them. The outcome is unrestrained carnage.

  21. Whether you're a Christian or not, when you open up the Bible and try to decipher a passage about how God decimated the Canaanites, as well as the Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, you might be ready to give up on the Bible before you start.

  22. Where’s your Hittite, and your Girgashites, and your Hivites, and your Canaanites, and your Moabites, and your Ammonites, and all your other “ites?” They’ve all gone out. But the Israelite is still here. And he’ll be here until the end of time. Why? Because God said so! [Matthew 24:34].

  23. Psalis are also called “Hosaat” or odes. That is why sometimes in the Egyptian Colloquial they refer to the Advent events as “sabaa we arbaa” meaning 7 and 4. The First Ode is to praise God because He saved the people of Israel from slavery and delivered them out of Egypt.

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