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  1. A hybrid regime is a type of political system often created as a result of an incomplete democratic transition from an authoritarian regime to a democratic one (or vice versa). [b] Hybrid regimes are categorized as having a combination of autocratic features with democratic ones and can simultaneously hold political repressions and regular ...

  2. Oct 1, 2012 · The many variations that occur when public not only meets private but blends with it are what we can call “hybrid governance”: government-sponsored entities with multistakeholder management, publicly financed corporations that compete in the international marketplace, federally chartered bodies with substantial private investment, and other ...

  3. Mar 10, 2015 · Hybrid regimes are found in most developing countries, especially since the end of the Cold War. They are called hybrid because they combine democratic traits (e.g., frequent and direct elections) with autocratic ones (e.g., political repression).

  4. We define it as the hybridization of democracy in three modes, each powered to some extent by digital transformation. 1st mode – encompasses the integration of elements of authoritarianism and libertarianism in democracies. 2nd mode – signals how democratic behavior is changing in the virtual and physical world due to technological advancements.

  5. Apr 19, 2022 · What has happened to Russia as a result of Putin’s twenty-two-year rule could be termed “neo-totalitarianism.”. However, given the preservation of a range of key elements of authoritarianism, I would propose the term “hybrid totalitarianism” to describe the regime.

  6. Most political regimes in the world today display some form of mixture of democratic and autocratic institutional features—they are hybrid regimes. This chapter distils from the literature the defining characteristics, commonly discussed types, and causes of transformations of hybrid regimes.

  7. May 17, 2023 · Hybrid regimes are less likely to uphold the interests of the United States and its democratic allies on the world stage. Of the 72 hybrid regimes, only 20 voted to remove Russia from the U.N. Human Rights Council in April 2022 over the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

  8. This article analyses the emergence and key characteristics of these ‘hybrid regimes’ and the challenges of democratic deepening. It suggests that, because a broad consensus to uphold democracy as the ‘only game in town’ is lacking, hybrid regimes tend to be unstable, unpredictable, or both.

  9. Jun 23, 2019 · They are neither subtypes of autocracy nor of democracy, but instead are a regime type of their own. They are called hybrid regimes. This chapter traces the emergence of the concept of hybrid regime, explores its defining features, and examines the spread of such regimes around the world.

  10. Jun 13, 2023 · A hybrid regime is a classical system of government in ancient times, and its spirits have been handed down to the present day, resulting in the separation of powers and its widespread use....

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