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  1. Alex was on the road to San Antonio by three. He couldn't believe he was going to court his own wife. Suddenly he was giddy and elated by the idea. It was going to be Christmas soon. Should he get Charlotte something? A small gift maybe. Something that doesn't say too much but says just enough.

  2. Fiction | May 2007. Family Vacation. By Janis Hubschman. It was pouring rain when they arrived at the Long Beach Island rental house. Craig and the girls huddled on the porch, while Elaine jiggled the key in the lock.

  3. If I hadn't met a guy that was as experienced as that guy was and who was as hard to put off as he was… and who was so sneaky about getting his huge cock into me, I might never have discovered the joys of being a HOT WIFE!

  4. The story that is to come is about a man, who we will call Jim, and the dinner party that takes all of this into account. Take it up a notch with the fact Jim and his wife were invited to dinner at his wife’s boss’s house from her brand new job.

  5. Deb and Jerry seem like an unlikely couple from the beginning of the story. Deb is sexy and out-going, Jerry is just about the complete opposite, with a flabby belly and a more introverted nature. They take off for a day at the beach with several friends.

  6. After two hours' travelling over stony roads, across that green and monotonous plain, the vehicle entered one of those orchard farmyards and drew up before in old structure falling into decay, where an old maid- servant stood waiting beside a young fellow, who took charge of the horse.

  7. Peruse the novels tab for (free!) book-length erotic stories with tons of build-up and multiple sex scenes. Then, after all is read and cum (if you don't have sex-brain), check out their...

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