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    Auntie Heather's Awesome Picked Beetroot / Beets
    My Auntie Heather in New Zealand, has been making this recipe for as long as I can remember and people have been demanding the recipe for that long too... Now it was my turn to request this treasure, because it's my most favourite beet / beetroot recipe ever. The SECRET of this recipe is simple and is the "cup for cup" rule, so for every cup of the boiled beetroot juice used, you *must* use one cup each of the sugar and vinegar. I have given the recipe for 1 cup of beet juice and depending entirely on how big a quantity you are doing at a time, you will need to increase accordingly on a per cup basis. Yield/serve size is therefore variable. How easily magic is made! There are other recipes with added extra's but this one relies on the full taste of the beetroot juice and never needs to need anything else. I searched all 20+ pages of beet / beetroot and didn't find one exactly like this. Good for salads etc but beetroot lovers have permission to just take a fork and eat a whole jar. Thanks Aunty Heather! ZWT REGION: New Zealand.
    Pork Yu-Shiang
    I fell in love with this dish at my local Chinese Buffet several years ago, but no sooner than I discovered it, it disappeared from the selection--and it was never on the takeout menu. When I inquired about it, they didn't understand what I was talking about. I spent years searching high and low for a recipe. The sauce at first tastes sweet, but then it turns, so good. I had to have that magic formula..I finally found it! Sweet and spicy fans--this is to die for! UPDATE: I made this again and I wanted a little more fire to it. I added About a tbs or so of "chili garlic sauce" it comes in a little red jar with a green top and has a picture of a rooster on the front, its made by "huyfong foods" and it's in the asian section. This really made the dish especially good! It added not just heat but some really good flavor. I'll be making it this way from now on!
    5-Ingredient Pound Cake
    Pound cake is a classic in any baker's recipe repertoire. It's perfect for most occasions—picnics, parties, and brunch— and it can be enjoyed any time of year. As a bonus, it keeps well so you can easily make it ahead of time, then slice and serve when you're ready. And this recipe is so easy: One bowl and five ingredients are all you need! ## Why It's Called 'Pound Cake' Pound cake is an "equal-ratio" cake. In fact, that's where the name "pound cake" comes from! The original pound cake recipe required exactly one pound each of granulated sugar, flour, unsalted butter, and eggs. While you won't need a full pound of each for this recipe, the ingredients for this recipe for traditional pound cake haven't been altered too much; just enough to make a nicely balanced cake that fits nicely in a loaf pan. Many pound cake recipes call for cake flour, but all-purpose flour works just fine here. Baking powder is also used to work its leavening magic in the baking process. ## Pound Cake Variations Pound cake is wonderful on its own, but you can jazz up your dessert plate by topping it with berries and whipped cream or diced apples, depending on the season. Ice cream also makes an excellent sidekick. Or you can frost your cake, dust it with powdered sugar, or lightly drizzle it with a glaze before serving to make it your own. If you regularly make pound cake, it's sometimes fun to mix it up and try something new. While this is a basic pound cake recipe, you can customize it with the following variations to add different dimensions of flavor. Here are a few other recipes to consider and play with for a different pound cake experience: _[Vanilla Pound Cake]( This recipe uses 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract in the batter. _[Lemon Pound Cake]( This one uses 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and includes a lemon glaze. _[Almond Pound Cake]( This recipe includes 8 oz. of almond paste. It also calls for vanilla extract, but you can substitute it with almond extract. _[Cream Cheese Pound Cake]( This one calls for 8 oz. of cream cheese in place of some of the butter. _[Sour Cream Pound Cake]( This recipe uses a little more than a cup of sour cream in place of some of the butter. ## To serve and serve again To prevent it from drying out, store leftover pound cake in an airtight container. Make sure the cake is completely cool before placing it into the container. Stored pound cake will keep for several days at room temperature, up to one week when refrigerated, or up to two months when frozen.
    Homemade Ricotta and Thyme Roasted Grapes
    Sometimes you just need cheese. I don’t know about you but it isn’t ice cream or gelato that I reach for on “those nights”, you know which ones….”those” but instead, I crave homemade ricotta period. I don’t know but for me “those nights” come so unexpectedly, just kinda sporadically and on unassuming days where I wouldn’t expect it. Thank GOD for the ability to drown sorrows in creamy goodness. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love gelato (ice cream is okay but gelato rocks) but it isn’t a consistent fix for me and I need something reliable when I am feeling “the need”. Fortunately or unfortunately I don’t just have this ricotta during the drowning of emotions, I have it on my pizza, pasta, or just cuz…lots of just cuz…. Okay enough on why I need homemade ricotta, let’s get down to the recipe so you can indulge with me on “those nights” or just cuz…. So, you ask, why bother? What could be THAT good to make ricotta from scratch AND roast grapes with thyme to add some sweetness? Welllll……I think the only answer I have is, it IS that good and you just have to experience it. The BIGGEST key to this recipe is organic everything…organic whole milk, organic whipping cream, and organic white wine vinegar. It honestly creates the magic texture AND flavor, I don’t know exactly why, my best guess is the less added to the product, the better and it is probably as simple as that. Everytime I have used non-organic product, it just isn’t the same, it really isn’t. Also, take the time to let it come to a slow boil in order to separate the cheese from the whey (in other words, don’t get impatient, turn up the heat, and push the process) it will burn and not separate completely….and “old reliable” for “those nights” will become a quick failure. (HINT: perhaps just make some ahead…who needs to add frustration to life?) Okay, so the grapes are really easy and add such a special flavor for a simple appetizer. I do like to use the globe grapes but they aren’t always available but when they are, use them. Obviously fall rocks to do this recipe because grapes are in season and naturally sweet and if, that’s a big IF, I have any leftovers, I use them on roasted pork or roasted chicken…..totally works as a yummo condiment. Lastly, the crostini, you can make or just buy or use crackers. I won’t call you or blacklist you if these aren’t from scratch (but I will say it is yummier when they are LOL). There you have it, all the philopshophy, tips, and ingredients to do this….so….just do it! You will thank me later! ☺
    Chocolate Cake in a Cup
    _Homemade chocolate cake takes time, effort and patience… unless you have a mug, 5 minutes and a microwave._ This tasty mug cake recipe is simple, easy and can be customized to suit your sweet tooth. Chocolate Cake in a Cup, perfect for a serving size of one, delivers a big treat with a small effort. We like to eat it still warm, with vanilla ice cream. We're also not above "frosting" it with Nutella — or a scoop of peanut butter for rich chocolate-peanut butter perfection. _Can you really bake a chocolate cake in the microwave?_ An entire cake? Nope! But the magic of microwave cookery is in full effect for this single-serving recipe—it works great for one when you want a quick treat. If you want to double the recipe it'll work just fine, but you'll need to divide the final batter between two mugs and increase cooking time by 15 seconds if you cook both cakes at once. _Do I need a special kind of cup or mug for this to work?_ All the vessel has to be is microwave-safe, more or less mug shaped (i.e. not flat), and able to hold 8 ounces. And because the entire recipe is made right in the microwave-safe mug, clean up is easy and fast. _Does it taste the same as a cake baked in the oven?_ This cake is a little different, texture-wise. It's a bit denser because the microwaves cook the cake differently than the heat of a traditional oven. The effect is more lava cake, less birthday cake. But what you trade off in texture you get back in speed! What other cake gets "baked" in less than two minutes? This chocolate mug cake is the perfect option when you're craving a delicious sweet treat and don't want to wait 45 minutes. _Will it really rise? Doesn't cake need baking powder or baking soda?_ While most cakes require a helpful lift from baking soda or baking powder, in this recipe whisking the egg into the small amount of batter gives it enough puff from the air incorporated into the egg white that the cake still rises. _What if I don't have one of the ingredients? Is this a strict recipe?_ All baking, even when it's done in the microwave, is a more precise than regular cooking because of the chemical reactions involved. However, see the next two questions below for exceptions… _Mini chocolate chips? Do I need them? Must they be mini?_ You can leave out chocolate chips if you don't have any, but using two types of chocolate makes for a richer, more flavorful cake. Mini chocolate chips will suspend most evenly throughout the batter. But if you only have regular sized chips, stir a few into the batter and then sprinkle the rest across the top right before you pop it in the microwave. Some will sink, but not all. And use whatever kind of chips you like! Butterscotch is a satisfying counterpoint to the chocolate, as are white chocolate chips, or try peppermint chips during the holidays. _Do I have to use both brown and white sugar?_ Using these two kinds of sugar gives the cake a more complex sweetness and interesting flavor—and be sure to gently pack the brown sugar into the measuring spoon for maximum deliciousness (and accuracy)! So, for the best mug cake, use both. But if you only have white sugar, that can work too. _Is this safe for kids? Could a child make it?_ While it's always best to have an adult present in the kitchen, this microwave mug cake is an excellent starter recipe for a young cook eager to bake something by her- or himself! No hot oven or flame on the stove makes it a no-worry lesson in following directions, counting, and the wonders of kitchen chemistry. _Can I customize this cake? What if I want to incorporate some mix-ins?_ Go wild! Give a nod to chocolate's heritage— it's indigenous to Latin America and was originally cultivated by the ancient Mayans— by making a Mexican hot chocolate cake: Add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and a dash of cayenne to the dry ingredients. Or make a s’mores cake: Stir 1 tablespoon of mini-marshmallows into the prepared batter just before baking and serve with graham crackers.
    Stewy Greek Garbanzos
    No Greek kitchen is without two ingredients: Lemons and Olives. While I'm not of Greek descent, my husband is and I am fully aware of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Few foods add such flavor magic as lemons. While one might create lemonade when given lemons, I chose to create a healthy comfort food. The simplicity of this recipe, its warmth and mingling of flavors makes one happy mouthful. You can easily play with the recipe by incorporating different beans and adding more veggies. If I had artichoke hearts I would've loved to have added them. You might also choose to serve it alone as a thick and creamy stew or over a bed of sauteed spinach or kale. One more option would be to serve it over some whole wheat orzo doused in lemon. The Mediterranean just entered my bowl! Enjoy!
    Sunday Breakfast Two-Ice Cream Parfait
    The whole week I was reading different variations of the “Magic One-Ingredient Ice Cream” on our website and decided to make my own versions. Here is my recipe for using this magic method. Instead of peanut or other nut butters, I incorporated fruit butters (mango and fig) and also added roasted bananas, which add even more creaminess to the ice cream and a richer banana flavor. The toasted cornflakes add a pleasant crunch, which everybody likes as a contrast to the creamy ice cream texture and the fruit slices give the parfait a burst of freshness. You can definitely just make one of the ice cream flavors and enjoy it.
    Grass-Fed Pot Roast with Red Wine, Mushrooms and Onions
    This recipe relies on a highly specific, hour-by-hour, almost superstitious method of low and slow cooking in red wine with mushrooms, onions, celery and garlic. You could call it a rain dance or Magic 8 Ball kind of recipe, in that you start the pot at one temperature, add mushrooms an hour later, raise the temperature an hour after that and then lower the temperature back to its original setting for the final 60 minutes, crossing your fingers and throwing salt over your shoulder, okay, just kidding about those last parts. The result is fork-tender, flavorful comfort food.
    Lachuch with Labneh and Za’atar
    Food and Wine
    “Oooh,” I breathed as a chef ladled a fluffy white substance into a pan. I watched as the surface bubbled up into an improbable pitted pancake that looked like the surface of the moon.When the man deftly flipped it out of the pan, it flopped onto the counter, seeming almost alive. I reached out a tentative finger; it was soft and pillowy, with a texture unlike any bread I’ve encountered before.You can find the Yemenite bread, lachuch, in every market in Israel. There’s something so hypnotic about watching the bubbles form and break that it’s little wonder there’s usually someone standing mesmerized before the flames.Yemenites eat the bread with soup (they are masters of the form), but young Israeli chefs have been finding all manner of uses for this deliciously yeasty bread. My favorite lachuch recipe iteration is a breakfast dish: covered with cool labneh while it’s still warm, then drizzled with olive oil and slathered with the herbal mixture za’atar.You can buy za’atar in any Middle Eastern spice shop. But it’s a blend, and if you like the flavor you might want to play around with various herbs to come up with one of your very own. The constant ingredients are sumac, salt, and sesame seeds. Dried thyme is usually used (za’atar is actually the Arabic word for thyme), as well as oregano or mint. Cumin is often part of the mix. Personally, I find I like the flavor that fresh oregano adds the mixture. But if you’re in a different mood, you can spread the lachuch with honey, with jam, or fold some cheese, tomatoes, and onions in for a lovely little sandwich.This spongy bread is remarkably versatile—and incredibly easy to make. Aside from allowing the yeast a few hours to work its magic, you’re basically making pancakes, except you don’t have to bother with flipping. Just like with pancakes, pay close attention to the heat of your pan. You’ll likely need to reduce the heat to give the bubbly top time to set before the bottom burns, and be sure to let the pan cool in between batches. But most importantly—don’t sweat it. Making lachuch is like riding a bike; once you get the hang of it, there will be no stopping you.
  2. Category:Recipes | Just Add Magic Wiki | Fandom. in: Recipes. Recipes. Category page. A Taste of Your Own Mochi. Age Up-Side Down Cake. Back to the Future Fudge. BFF PBJ. Big Mussels and Spinach. Bitter Truth Truffles. Brain Boosting Bolognese. Break in the Case Black and White Cookie. Break the Bonds Borscht. Break the Bonds Jake-Rito.

    • Recipies

      Aloof Artichokes. Banned Bananas. Break the Bonds Borscht....

    • The Cookbook

      The Cookbook is a magical book filled with an infinite...

  3. Aloof Artichokes. Banned Bananas. Break the Bonds Borscht. Berry Barrier Bar. Back to the Future Fudge. BFF PBJ. Birthday Cake. Bitter Truth Truffles. Brain-Boosting Bolognese. Body Consuming Chocolate Banana Balls. Break the Bonds Jake-Rito. Bring it Back Baby Back Ribs. Big Mussels and Spinach.

    • 1800s
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    • Present-Day

    The first known protectors, Charles Peizer and Rose Peizer came to be the book's protectors around 1868. The siblings remained its protectors until Charles abused its power by cooking a mulberry pie to make him and his sister immortal, trapping Rose in the Cookbook in the process. Afterward, Charles was not able to touch the book anymore as he had ...

    Decades later, a woman known as Aunt Pixie is presumed to be a protector of the Cookbook around the early 1930s, seeing as she created the Find Your Key Lime Pie. She could have been protector with 2 Hamiltons, as they were a family related to the Wessons. The next known protectors of the book were three teenagers, Rebecca "Becky" Quinn, Gina Silve...

    The next protectors of the Cookbook were Kelly Quinn, Hannah Parker-Kent, and Darbie O'Brien. The three of them remained its protectors for about a year. Together, they cooked many spells and solved the mystery of Chuck Hankins. With the help of the OC's, they successfully broke Rose's spell and let Chuck and Rose return to their own timeline to li...

  4. Just Add Magic (recipes) @justaddmagicrecipes2974 ‧. ‧. 33 subscribers ‧ 3 videos. Explore the exquisite recipes of Kelly , Hannah and Darbie from the magic cookbook.

  5. May 20, 2020 · After following some of the peculiar recipes, they discover th... Kelly Quinn and her two BFF's, Darbie and Hannah, stumble upon her Grandmother’s old cookbook.

  6. Nov 6, 2021 · ›. Children's Books. — Out of Print--Limited Availability. Select delivery location. just add magic: Cookbook with Recipes and Riddles Hardcover – November 6, 2021. by hicham MR (Author) 1.8 12 ratings. Magic Books presents J.A.M Utensils Cookbook with Recipes and Riddles. With over 100 recipes to try with your loved ones.

    • hicham MR
  7. Dec 24, 2019 · A cookbook inspired by the Just Add Magic series, with recipes and riddles for magical dishes. Read 7 reviews from Goodreads users who rated this book 4.03 out of 5 stars.

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