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  1. The castle dungeon evolved, strangely enough, from being a prison within the tallest, most secure tower of the castle. Dungeons weren’t always underground! To understand the truth about dungeons, I’ll start off explaining the history and purpose of the first Medieval dungeons.

  2. Jan 26, 2022 · Castles were not just beautiful structures that served as the homes of kings and queens. They also had dark, secret dungeons where prisoners were held captive and tortured. These dungeons were often located deep underground and were filled with rats, spiders, and other creepy creatures.

  3. Nov 24, 2020 · What is a dungeon in a medieval castle? A dungeon in a medieval castle contains prison cells used to hold prisoners on a short-term basis, such as when they were awaiting trial, punishment, or ransom.

  4. Apr 28, 2022 · Several medieval castles also housed another popular component- the castle dungeon. Usually located in the basement, castle dungeons were areas designated for holding prisoners and torturing them. These dark, dingy, and isolated chambers were designed to inflict mental and physical torture on prisoners, usually to extract confessions.

  5. In this article, we will explore the top 10 most historically important medieval castle dungeons, where tales of confinement, despair, and survival unfolded. Prepare to descend into the depths of these dungeons and uncover the stories that echo through the corridors of time.

  6. What Is an Oubliette? An oubliette is a type of underground dungeon or cell, typically located in a medieval castle, where prisoners were held in isolation and often forgotten by society. 2. The Name’s Origins. The word “oubliette” is derived from the French word “oublier,” meaning “to forget.”

  7. Jun 17, 2023 · To date, medieval oubliettes have been found across Europe. These grim dungeons were built in castles from Wales to modern-day Turkey. One of the most infamous oubliettes is located in Irelands Leap Castle.

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