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  1. Apr 10, 2024 · In this article, we will explore a list of 30 things that are impossible to achieve. From traveling faster than the speed of light to achieving immortality , these challenges defy possibility and leave us in awe of the universe we inhabit.

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    • Mike Floorwalker
    • Spread your toes and bend your feet. Most peoples' feet are, well, pretty boring. Sure, they allow us to walk and all, but they don't really do much else.
    • Wiggle your ears. One could make the case that there is absolutely no benefit to being able to wiggle one's ears; one could make an equally strong case that this is malarkey, because somebody making a funny face while wiggling their ears is objectively hilarious.
    • Bend your thumb backwards. The ability to bend your thumb way, way back is commonly referred to as "hitchhiker's thumb," although frequently hitching rides will not make your thumb any more bendy.
    • Dislocate your shoulder voluntarily. Here's where things get a little bit wince-inducing. Remember, in the 1987 action-comedy classic "Lethal Weapon," how Mel Gibson's character could pop his arm right out of its socket at will?
    • Science Writer
    • Analysing stars. In his 1842 book The Positive Philosophy, the French philosopher Auguste Comte wrote of the stars: “We can never learn their internal constitution, nor, in regard to some of them, how heat is absorbed by their atmosphere.”
    • Meteorites come from space. Astronomers look away now. Throughout the Renaissance and the early development of modern science, astronomers refused to accept the existence of meteorites.
    • Heavier-than-air flight. The number of scientists and engineers who confidently stated that heavier-than-air flight was impossible in the run-up to the Wright brothers’ flight is too large to count.
    • Space flight. From atmospheric flight, to space flight. The idea that we might one day send any object into space, let alone put men into orbit, was long regarded as preposterous.
    • Raise One Eyebrow
    • Lick Your Elbow
    • Gleeking
    • Twitch Your Nose
    • Wiggle Your Ear
    • Touch Your Nose Or Chin with Your Tongue
    • Strange Tongue Tricks
    • Sneeze with Your Eyes Open
    • Tickle Yourself
    • Toot Your Own Horn

    I can raise bothof my eyebrows in bewilderment on how some people can raise just one. In fact, I know only one person in my life who can do this: my mother-in-law, who said that her ability just came to her during the pain of childbirth - and that this superpower was very useful in raising kids. Well, her and of course Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock: "Fa...

    Photo: Gussy (Luke)[Flickr] I once read a trivia that said it's impossible to lick your own elbow. And that 75% of the people told this immediately tried to lick their elbows. Well! It's obviously not so impossible for some people. Supposedly, Guinness World Records get about 5 claims a day from people who think that they are special just because t...

    Okay, it is kind of gross but it's fascinating. Gleeking (or gleeting / glicking) is like spitting - but not quite: the term means projecting saliva from the submandibular gland upon compression by the tongue. Interestingly, the word gleek appears in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, where a character named Bottom says "Nay, I can gleek upon...

    Y'know, twitch your nose like the witch Samantha Stephens of Bewitched. Elizabeth Montgomery, the actress that played Samantha, actually got sick and tired of being asked to twitch her nose by her fans that she refused to do it after the series was over. They should bring back Bewitched. I missed that show.

    Your cat can do it. And so can the hippo and Jeff Goldblum. But only few other people in the world can wiggle their ears. It turned out that in 2006, scientists determined exactly why most people couldn't wiggle their own ears: But fear not, non-ear wiggling people! You can train yourself to do it. WikiHowexplains:

    I betcha Gene Simmons of the rock band KISS could do both easily, but most people can't touch the tip of their nose or their chin with their tongue. Rumor was Gene had a cow's tongue grafted onto his own. But Snopes, ever the party pooper, set the record straight:

    While we're still on the subject of tongues, there are a few tricks that most people can't do (just don't get a tongue cramp trying to do all these, mmkay?): Just go ahead and try to to the last one, the smiley face, like YouTube user a51a did [YouTube Link, shaky video but still!]

    Nope, you can't sneeze with your eyes open (well, without forcing 'em open with your hands, anyhow). Why? Because when you sneeze, the "sneeze center" in the brain "sends coordinated motor impulses along nerves controlling muscles of the abdomen, chest, diaphragm, neck, face, eyelids and various sphincters, as well as the mucus glands and blood ves...

    We all have a ticklish spot or two, which are nevera secret from the ones we love. Gentle tickling is fun - so one can be tempted to "auto-tickle" to amuse oneself. But alas, you can't tickle yourself, and scientists actually know why. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London explains:

    I'm going to let Will Ferrell in the famous SNL yoga skit explain this one ("Look, I've done yoga everyday for three years ... now I've finally reached my goal"). Or if you prefer something more literary: There once was a man from Nantucket ... All right, all right, this one's only for the guys: Why do dogs lick their balls? Because they can. And a...

  3. Mar 18, 2019 · Over the years I’ve posted some pretty crazy exercises many of which are quite challenging and can only be performed once you’ve truly learned to master your body mechanics. With that said here are 50 brutally tough exercises you’ve likely never done and probably can’t.

  4. May 4, 2018 · 1. Mirror-Touch Synesthesia. For instance, in an extremely rare phenomenon called “mirror-touch synesthesia,” an observer who watches another person being touched, say, on the arm, will ...

  5. Mar 2, 2023 · Logically impossible and physically impossible are considered separate because they refer to different things. Logically impossible events violate the laws of logic, i.e. it's contradictory.

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