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  1. Jul 18, 2003 · Find Street Preaching Sermons and Illustrations. Free Access to Sermons on Street Preaching, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Street Preaching, and Preaching Slides on Street Preaching.

  2. Jul 17, 2003 · Find Street Preaching Sermons and Illustrations. Free Access to Sermons on Street Preaching, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Street Preaching, and Preaching Slides on Street Preaching. Sermons on Matthew 23:1-12

  3. The best street preaching is not that which is done at the top of your voice, for it must be impossible to lay the proper emphasis upon telling passages when all along you are shouting with all your might.

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    • PEOPLE HOLDING SIGNS: Stand with
    • COFFIN FLASHMOB: Carry a cofin in

    A core part of every Steiger City Team is a commitment to bold and creative evangelism. We preach on the streets, in nightclubs, at universities and wherever the Global Youth Culture gathers. Sadly, there is not enough clear gospel proclamation outside the church today. When it does happen, it often fails to connect. Jesus was relevant and effectiv...

    The goal of using ice breakers is both to help Christians who do not feel comfortable in stopping someone on the street for a conversation, and to help naturally steer a conversation toward the Gospel. VIDEO INTERVIEW TEAM: Make a list of questions from general to more profound. Lead the conversation to what they think about Jesus. (Ex: What is you...

    jar full of Bible verses, invite people passing by to pick a “Message of Hope”, “Message for Your Future”, or any way you may phrase it to attract people to interact with you. MATERIALS: a nice jar, some Bible verses (printed or written nicely) in a translation that youth may understand.

    BANNERS: Make a banner of a peaceful protesting sentence and march with it. (Ex: Greenpeace Saves Whales, Jesus Saves You)

    signs that say what you’re against (ex: Against the War/ Against Women Abuse/ Against Fatherlessness...) Use the signs to steer the conversations on these real issues (war, abuse, hate, racism, global warming, etc.) toward what the Kingdom perspective is. (Ask people what they think about these issues and how they think the world got to this place....

    ART EXHIBITION: You may want to choose a theme for your exhibition. It can be photography, painting, or an installation. The idea is to invite people to interact with the art and the artist: leading to a conversation on the topic and giving it a gospel perspective. MATERIALS: a structure to exhibit the art (easels, rope, billboards...). If you are ...

    WHITE MASKS: Have your team wear white masks and walk through the city square. At the first signal, have them gather in the same place and then freeze. At the second signal, have them fall to the ground. Soon after, have someone rise from the group, take off his or her mask, and share a testimony or thought about how we all go through life hiding w...

    slow procession, inviting people to follow you along the way. Have everyone wear white masks, except for one girl wrapped in chains. Make it look like she is being taken by force. Have one person in the back of the procession follow with speaker playing an ominous track (ex: the Resident Evil theme song). Once you’ve gathered enough attention, lay ...

    Steiger International is a worldwide mission organization that mobilizes followers of Jesus to reach young people who would not walk into a church. What started out as a dynamic ministry reaching young people of Amsterdam has grown into a worldwide mission organization called to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. Today, we are a...

    @steigerinternational on Instagram JOIN THE MOVEMENT! This is our 5-week missionary training program to reach the Global Youth Culture, which happens at the Steiger International Center in Germany. The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background, who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jes...

    Steiger’s desire is to serve, strengthen, and support the local church. We help you ignite your church with a passion for the lost and provide the training, tools, and practical opportunities for impacting the next generation of your city. By attending our training and getting involved, you can start a Steiger City Team in your city! STAY CONNECTED...

  5. Unlike the preaching done in churches, street evangelism is aimed at creating awareness. Street preaching is aimed at people who don’t go to church and don’t care about the gospel. When preaching in the street, the goal is to let unbelievers know that there is something called salvation.

  6. Our service to the kingdom of God is made more perfect by our interactions with other believers who are sent to minister to our lives. That's what happens for Paul on straight street. A Rendezvous on Straight Street Acts 9:10-20 The Story is told of a man who realized his need for a Savior and drove 500 miles to a meeting where Billy Graham was ...

  7. God made the out-door preaching of those men a leading, instrumentality in awaking the masses of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain," and in bringing about the great reformation of the eighteenth century. See the labors and good fruits of the street preaching of "the apostle to the Irish," Gideon Ouseley.

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