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  1. Top results related to how do i view a list of hook roles?

  2. Dec 21, 2021 · After checking the Auth0 React SDK’s useAuth0 hook, you could use the getIdTokenClaims method to get the user’s roles after appending them as a custom claim using the Post-Login Action as you mentioned earlier. This way, you could programmatically check the list of roles assigned to the user.

  3. Jul 31, 2023 · By using the useOrganizationList hook, we gain access to the list of available Organizations and the OrganizationMemberships to which the user is affiliated. This information will enable us to enforce role-based access control and ensure that only authorized users can access the Admin Dashboard page.

  4. Nov 18, 2021 · To verify whether the logged-in user has specific role/permission to access specific route/action item, we have implemented several hooks like useHasPermissions & useHasRoles which were returning a boolean value if the current user has those specific roles/permissions.

  5. To view all roles and permissions for your app, change the URL in the fetch request to, keeping the rest of the URL the same. That is, it still contains your appkey and appsecret parameters.

  6. Jul 30, 2020 · When logging in using the react sdk, Auth0provider, I am getting the basic details of the user using the useAuth0 hook. How do I get the roles of the user in this as well?

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  8. In this tutorial, we’ll build a Node.js app that leverages the Firebase Auth REST API to manage users and roles. In addition, we’ll see how to use the API to authorize (or not) which users can access specific resources.

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