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  1. Scrambled Eggs More Creamy - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Creamy Scrambled Eggs With Fines Herbes
    These eggs get their creaminess from butter. They are more for a brunch or dinner or a special breakfast than for every day.
    Soft-Scrambled Egg Toasts with Bottarga
    Food and Wine
    A few shavings of salty bottarga take these creamy scrambled eggs to the next level. Although any eggs will work here, Andrew Zimmern suggesting using farm–fresh duck eggs if you have the chance. Slideshow:  More Amazing Egg Recipes 
    French Scrambled Eggs with Truffle Oil
    Food and Wine
    These creamy, custardlike scrambled eggs from Elisabeth Daniel sommelier Peter Birmingham have a luxurious flavor. More Brunch Recipes
    Soft Scrambled Eggs
    First, a confession: I used to hate scrambled eggs. They reminded me of sulfur-infused cardboard. Or insulation. Years later, I learned how to make creamy, soft scrambled eggs, and now I crave them regularly. Good, free-range eggs are paramount to this recipe, for both taste and safety reasons, and they require very little embellishment: I add a small lump of mascarpone or creme fraiche, a dribble of cream, or whatever is around (not milk, which makes them tough), a dash of salt and pepper and nothing else. But I do believe that excellent scrambled eggs need to be cooked in butter -- even in a non-stick pan -- and while we're on the subject, salted butter is my preference. The recipe makes enough for two people, but I usually get it all to myself, as I'm married to someone who is egg averse -- what's more, leftovers can be gently reheated in the microwave, and they still won't remind you of cardboard!
    Poached Scrambled Eggs with Goat Cheese Sauce
    Food and Wine
    Chef Daniel Patterson conceived of this unconventional method for making eggs: He beats the eggs, cooks them quickly in a vortex of boiling water, then immediately drains them. The result is super-creamy, perfectly scrambled eggs; topped with goat cheese sauce, the dish becomes a kind of reverse omelet. If you’re scrambling just one egg, the cooking time will be 20 seconds. For four eggs, the time increases to 40 seconds.More Egg Recipes
    Make-It-Your-Own (MIYO) Tofu Scramble
    Food and Wine
    I used to be such an egghead and would eat scrambled eggs nearly every morning. When I went vegan, I wanted to make sure I could mimic my creamy and cheesy scrambles with more good-for-you ingredients—with no little chicks (or mamas) harmed in the making. Nutritional yeast adds a rich and nutty “cheesy” flavor, while the layering of herbs, spices, and add-ins really brings the scramble to life! And sometimes, when I’m looking to amplify the experience, I’ll add a pinch or two of black salt (aka kala namak), which emulates the sulfuric taste in eggs.
     Freezer Breakfast Burritos
    It took 18 eggs, 12 tortillas, and 3 mountains of grated cheese to yield this—the freezer breakfast burrito of my hopes and dreams. Allow me to explain... Which cheese works best? Mozzarella is melty but too mild. Cheddar is flavorful but doesn’t have the correct amount of goo. Pre-shredded is temptingly convenient but faintly starchy. Monterey Jack, with its velvety melt, quickly decimated with a grater, is the winner. Do I need to prep potatoes from scratch? No. One session of rinsing and squeezing and flipping grated potatoes rendered that idea obsolete. Then I remembered—tots! But more of them made their way into my mouth than the burrito, and something wasn’t quite right. So I returned to the freezer aisle to discover shredded hash browns. What even are shredded hash browns? Ignoring this and other existential questions, I forged on, and they were perfect, substantial but creamy. What’s the easiest way to cook 8 eggs? I started with scrambled eggs. This was good, this was working out, my life was great. But then I didn’t have a pan big enough to scramble the 8 eggs, and I didn’t want to cook them in batches. Solution? Bake the eggs in a thin sheet like a frittata. Easier to cook and easier to build the burrito. The trick to getting a luxurious layer of eggs, similar to a quiche, is to cook it low with a bit of cornstarch to hold it together and some dairy for added lubrication. Wait, where’s the meat? I ended up nixing the breakfast meat to cut back on bulk (beans and eggs provide enough heft). If you’d like to add some in, though, feel free to use about ½ pound of cooked protein (tempeh, seasoned tofu, bacon, sausage, or ham) scattered on top of the eggs just before rolling. Any tips on assembly? Wait for the potatoes and eggs to cool before ensconcing them snugly inside (steamy ingredients equal soggy tortillas). When it’s time to roll, don’t be overzealous and tug too tight. Roll loosely, then tighten up the shape when wrapping with parchment (I was inspired by sushi, where you use the bamboo mat to compact the roll). And remember less is more—cram in too much and the tortilla will tear. Make a batch on a lazy Sunday, then microwave on a whim whenever the mood strikes.
    BA's Best Soft Scrambled Eggs
    Bon Appetit
    Medium-low heat is the key to the fluffy, creamy, melty texture of these scrambled eggs. We like to serve them when they’re still runny, but keep them on the stove for another 15 seconds if you prefer them completely set. This is part of BA's Best, a collection of our essential recipes. Learn how to make this recipe and more in our online cooking class with Sur la Table.
    Caesar Bagels
    Enjoy this crunchy, creamy bagel sandwich for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The cream cheese “schmear” itself should become a fridge staple; it tastes just like Caesar salad dressing but is thick and spreadable. Try it on toast, on a burger, or stirred into scrambled eggs for a savory boost. We prefer whole-wheat bagels, but you can also opt for onion bagels or everything bagels for more allium flavor. Do be sure to grab romaine lettuce; you want a sturdy, crunchy lettuce for this sandwich.