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  2. A few examples of personification in poetry are given below. Examples of Personification in Poems. Example #1. The Fog by Carl Sandburg. The fog comes. on little cat feet. It sits looking. over harbor and city. on silent haunches. and then moves on. In this poem, fog reflects human abilities.

  3. Poetry Examples of Personification. We often encounter figurative language like personification in poetry, where a few words have to carry a lot of meaning. Some of the most famous examples in poetry are: “Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.”

  4. Personification Examples Examples of Personification in Literature. Writers use personification to create startling or whimsical visual images, which help to make the world of a book or poem all the more vivid in a reader's imagination.

  5. Examples of Personification in Poetry Example #1 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth There are some very good examples of how human characteristics are applied to non-human things in William Wordsworth’s ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.’

  6. Jul 13, 2021 · Personification attributes human-like qualities to things that are non-human (such as animals and pets) or inanimate (such as notebooks or stones). It uses subtle word choice to bring the desired tone to a poem — and in the case of humorous poems, the tone is funny! Explore several humorous examples of personification poems.

  7. The house sighed. The car sputtered and coughed before starting. ♦. Significance of Personification in Literature. Personification and anthropomorphism has been a part of storytelling for thousands of years, evident in Aesop’s Fables and fairy tales from many different cultures.

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