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    • A built-in best friend. Not only do I have a sister, I have a friend for life. No need to worry about who will be my maid of honor at my wedding or who will be my first child’s godmother; life has thankfully already built that special person into my life, and it’s my little sister.
    • An ally, for life. Whether we’re standing up against our mom telling us our dresses are too short (I swear, mom…that’s how dresses are made these days!)
    • A personal stylist. Double the closet space and double the amount of shoes. What could be better? Jamie has an amazing fashion sense and lately, I’ve even been letting her dress me (see: Fourth of July outfit) so I definitely reap the benefits of having a stylish sister.
    • A sounding board. If I ever need advice, need to vent or just need to share a story, Jamie is always there to listen, commiserate or celebrate. She’s that one person I know I can always go to for an unbiased opinion.
    • She *has* to Be Right
    • She’S Manipulative
    • She Doesn’T Respect Boundaries
    • She Insists on Playing The Victim
    • Her Apologies Are Never Sincere
    • Everything Is A Competition
    • Spending Time with Her Is Draining
    • Everything Is Always About Her
    • There Are Always Strings Attached

    Your good old sis has hated every person you’ve ever dated, and it’s starting to feel like no one is going to be good enough. She has similar opinions about your career goals, friends and pretty much everything else. If you’ve articulated that you’re happy with your life and the people in it and she still won’t stay out of your business, then your ...

    When a non-toxic person asks a question (“Hey, want to come over next week?”), they don’t have any ulterior motives. When a toxic person asks you a question, though, they might be setting a trap. (“Are you free for dinner tomorrow at seven?” Subtext: “If you aren’t free for dinner tomorrow at seven, I’ll be mad at you for the rest of the week.”) “T...

    You love your little sister, but she’s always had a hard time knowing her place. She’s made a habit of showing up at your house, unannounced, expecting to be able to stay for dinner. Because you love her, you give in, but even after asking her to stop popping in without calling, she continues to do it. 1. How to Deal:Be clear on your boundaries, an...

    Sometimes, family members can’t help but guilt trip each other. (“What do you mean, you aren’t coming home for Thanksgiving?”) But there’s a difference between expressing disappointment and creating a toxic environment by blaming everyone else for their feelings. If your sister refuses to talk to you for a week because you’ve decided to spend next ...

    Have you ever expected an apology from someone and ended up apologizing to them? This is a classic red flag. Let’s say your sister blew off the brunch plans you had last Saturday. Then, when you confront her about it, she delves into this long story about how she got into a huge fight with the guy she’s dating that morning and she doesn’t think she...

    Every time you call her to talk about a promotion at work or a potty-training breakthrough with your kid, she inevitably steers the conversation to be about her illustrious career or herparenting wins. Any healthy relationship should be a two-way street, and if your sister is incapable of celebrating your wins—big or small—it’s a sign that there’s ...

    Do you feel totally spent every time you interact with your older sister? We’re not talking about feeling like you need to be by yourself for a little while—something that can happen even with people we love being around. Interacting with a toxic person can leave you feeling defeated, since their dramatic, needy and high-maintenance tendencies can ...

    You just got off a 45-minute phone call with your twin only to realize that she didn’t ask you a single question about your life or how you’re doing. If she was dealing with an important issue or had some exciting news, that’s one thing. But it shouldn’t happen pretty much every time you talk. 1. How to Deal:Try to take note of the patterns you obs...

    Sure, your sis will pick up your kids from school, but you’ll never hear the end of how lucky you are to have her help…followed by an immediate request to reorganize her closet. We’re not suggesting our family members should do every little thing for us, but you should be able to ask for a favor without having her hold it over your head or immediat...

    • Keeping Your Cool Take a deep breath. Taking a deep breath can help you keep calm when your little sister is really getting on your nerves.
    • Improving Your Relationship Congratulate them. When your little sisters do something great, congratulate them! They’ll feel good that you noticed they did something good, and it can make you feel good to be nice to them.
    • Preventing Negative Feelings Remember what makes you special. Maybe you always win races at school, or maybe you get really good grades. If you know you don’t get along with your little sisters because of jealousy, taking some time to deal with that jealousy can help improve your relationship.
    • Change the way you react to them. Keep your calm even when you want to throttle them or put them in their place. We know how hard that can be. But, as a rule, losing your temper only makes things worse.
    • Know your rights. First of all, you have a right to be angry when your sibling does or says unkind things to you or to people you care about. You have a right to call them out for it, too.
    • Set and maintain healthy boundaries. When your sibling crosses a boundary of yours, don’t dismiss it as a one-off. Let them know what that boundary is and how seriously you take it.
    • Choose your battles. Don’t try to fix them by constantly correcting them, one irritating behavior at a time. All you’ll do is feed the anger you both feel while sending the message that your sibling needs to be fixed.
  2. Apr 8, 2018 · People Who Have Little Sisters Know These 6 Things All Too Well. by Tessa Harvey. April 7, 2018. Ivo De Bruijn/Stocksy. Little sisters are truly something else. When they're born, your...

  3. Feb 8, 2024 · To stand up to your mean sister, start by setting a few boundaries that you dont want her to cross. For example, you might not want her to come in your room without knocking, play with your things, or shout at you. Once you’ve made a short list of boundaries, tell your sister what they are.

  4. Mar 11, 2015 · March 11, 2015. Hillary Fox. Little sisters are beacons of tenderness and compassion.There's nothing quite like having a little, miniature person in your life who looks up to you as...

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