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  1. In their final battle, his views towards Danny completely changed when Danny used the Ghostly Wail, which Dark Danny himself didn't learn for another ten years. Dark Danny began to genuinely fear his younger self as his counterpart used this power to defeat him and trap him.

  2. In the episode Danni appears, Danny used a ghostly wail to stop Vlad in his tracks. Had Danny not done this it's likely Vlad would have been successful in making a Danny clone and going on to wreck havoc on the Earth.

  3. I think I've mentioned this elsewhere, but it appears that losing his ghost half cured Vlad's disease - he hasn't died of the MoAT relapse in the TUE timeline. So does this mean that the ecto-impurities from Vlad's dose o' portal which caused it to begin with transferred over to Dan/TUE!Danny?

  4. At one point during his 10 years of rampage, Dark Danny developed the Ghostly Wail and used this to destroy Ember's vocal cords. Dark Danny is able to know how much energy to put into the attack so it does not to run out of energy too quick.

  5. Normally this isn't an issue, but something happened to the God Kubera. With her village destroyed on her 16th birthday, she assumes an alias, Leez, and flees with her rescuer Asha Rahiro, a powerful magician.

  6. Dark Danny is arguably the most powerful ghost that has ever existed, (due to only time traveling being able to stop him) and possibly more powerful than either Vortex, Undergrowth, Nocturn, Freakshow (with the Reality Gauntlet) and Pariah Dark, the Ghost King.

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  8. Dark Danny using his Ghostly Wail. His most powerful attack is his Ghostly Wail, a powerful shriek of sonic force that sounds like moaning ghosts and can use it more than once without losing energy, unlike Danny who can only use it one or two times before feeling a severe energy drain.

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