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  1. Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601–1602 as a Twelfth Night entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck.

  2. May 22, 2024 · Twelfth Night, comedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, written about 1600–02 and printed in the First Folio of 1623 from a transcript of an authorial draft or possibly a playbook. One of Shakespeare’s finest comedies, Twelfth Night precedes the great tragedies and problem plays in order of.

    • David Bevington
  3. The Shakescleare modern English translation of the play will help you comprehend Shakespeare’s language, and the play’s most important quotes, including “If music be the food of love, play on” and “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em.” Act 1, Scene 1.

  4. The Works of Shakespeare: Twelfth Night or What You Will. Arden Shakespeare. 1906. London: Methuen, 1937.-----, ed. Rich's 'Apolonius & Silla,' an Original of Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'. The Shakespeare Classics. London: Chatto & Windus, 1912. McEachern, Claire. Ed. Twelfth Night. Barnes and Noble Shakespeare. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2007.

  5. A concise biography of William Shakespeare plus historical and literary context for Twelfth Night.

  6. Twelfth Night study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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  8. Twelfth Night: The Hamlet of the comedies. Austin Tichenor suggests that “Twelfth Night” is the “Hamlet” of the comedies, dealing with loss, separation, and death and using some surprisingly similar elements — but in a far happier way. Use the Folger Method to teach Twelfth Night.

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