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  1. Jul 14, 2021 · Those who are profoundly gifted score in the 99.9th percentile on IQ tests and have an exceptionally high level of intellectual prowess. These students score at least three standard deviations above the norm on the bell curve, so they are at the extreme end of the intelligence, or IQ, continuum. Please refer to “ IQ and Educational Needs ...

  2. Dec 1, 2020 · Perfectionism and the Highly Gifted by Shaun Hately. Suggestions for parents to avoid or alleviate the perfectionism and depression often experienced by the highly gifted child, written by a highly gifted young adult. Performing Arts Instruction for Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Children by Beth Wright.

  3. Level Four: Exceptionally to Profoundly Gifted. IQ scores of 141+ represent the 99th percentile; books are a favorite interest by three to four months; knows the entire alphabet by fifteen to twenty-two months; at four or five years can perform many academic and intellectual functions of an eight-year-old; reading for pleasure and information ...

  4. Dec 1, 2020 · These are important questions, and the answers vary. The terms for the levels of giftedness -- moderately, highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted -- are not standardized, and they seem to mean different things to different people, and based on scores from different tests. Let's start with the numbers that various folks suggest: Level of ...

  5. Characteristics of profoundly gifted individuals may include: Rapid Comprehension: An advanced ability to learn and process information rapidly, combined with a need for constant mental stimulation; profoundly gifted students often work at a different pace than neurotypical peers–going far ahead or pausing to dive deeply in areas of interest.

  6. Feb 23, 2023 · A main different between the gifted and the profoundly gifted is the accelerted pace—it might be called exponential—their life is characterized with. This “exponential” pace includes their problems, abilities, and accomplishments. In order to help a profoundly gifted child special attention is needed in early childhood.

  7. REACH – Profoundly Gifted. The Madison School district provides a self-contained accelerated program for those students who are profoundly gifted known as REACH (Rigorous, Enriched, Accelerated Curriculum for the Highly Gifted). The REACH program for students in grades 1-4 is located at Madison Heights Elementary and for students in grades 5 ...

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