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  1. Dec 19, 2022 · If you're looking to start a houseplant collection and haven't developed your green thumb yet, some plants are better than others. Houseplants for beginners are easy to grow and can generally withstand erratic watering, uneven or bad light, and fluctuating temperatures.

  2. May 7, 2024 · Read on and choose from the most popular houseplants, whether you're looking for a plant that can bring you good luck, grow in low light, purify the air, bring you colorful blooms year-round, and more.

  3. Oct 10, 2023 · Maybe you have an empty space on a shelf you want to fill, or an area of your bathroom that needs a plant. From vines, to succulents, there’s plenty of different options to pick from. We’ve curated a list of the most common houseplants you can welcome into your indoor garden.

  4. Learn more: How to Choose the Perfect Houseplant. Whether you are a beginner plant parent, or even if you don’t have a green thumb, start out with easy-to-care-for varieties such as snake plant, philodendron, pothos or spider plant that are tolerant of different growing conditions.

  5. Nov 29, 2023 · Whether you're shopping for a houseplant that produces reliable blooms, a climbing vine that trails shelves, or a beginner-friendly option that's next to impossible to kill, these common houseplants suit every level of green thumb.

  6. Here is a list of the most common houseplants, including their scientific names, basic care requirements and more. Air Plants. Tillandsia spp. Super simple to care for, air plants look lovely when hung in hanging arrangements or anchored to driftwood.

  7. From the hard-to-kill snake plant to the tough-to-grow orchid, get advice on houseplant care, such as the right lighting, soil, temperature, and even planter.

  8. Aug 18, 2023 · The right light exposure, watering schedule, container choice, soil type, and feeding regimen will determine if your houseplants thrive, or flounder. We’ll go over all of these things, along with tips for potting up, hanging plants, and a few words about houseplant pests like gnats… and cats.

  9. May 30, 2023 · The most common houseplants are popular for a reason. Known for being easy to care for, readily available, and looking attractive in any setting, these common houseplants will appeal to...

  10. Anyone can master indoor gardening by choosing good indoor plants for the different microenvironments in the home, whether it’s a warm, humid room or a drafty low-light corner. And some indoor plants are tough enough to survive just about anywhere.

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