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  1. Mar 22, 2010 · They are from Venus." The Brazilian journalist, João Martins, from the extinct magazine, "O Cruzeiro" was also present. He has interviewed them and according to his statement, the woman said she was called Dolores Barrios and claimed she was a dresses designer. She also said the names of her friends were Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart, both ...

  2. Aug 21, 2013 · It was a joke he had used in numerous presentations since 1983 when Steven Spielberg’s "E.T. the Extraterrestrial," a film about a young boy befriending a lost visitor from space and helping the alien get home, had become the highest-grossing film of all-time. Rich apparently decided to capitalize on this popularity.

  3. Mar 20, 2014 · Christ is not the Lucifer and Lucifer is not the morning star as he lost that when he was cast out. Lucifer is not the Grand Architect of the Universe and Christ the Cornerstone which the BUILDER REJECTED is become the capstone. Lucifer was a WATCHER and ANGEL not a GOD.

  4. Nov 24, 2007 · The Bible and older Jewish texts do not use the modern name "Reptoid" or "Reptilians" when they are describing their ancestor's communications with intelligent reptilian humanoid beings. Through the ages, the description of the reptilian-humanoid beings that Adam and Eve encountered has been changed. By calling it a "serpent" and nothing more ...

  5. Mar 22, 2010 · Nobody will convince nobody about nothing. And the shadows in her chicks, seems more like the shadows of her hair lock and maybe some fuzzy pixelation or imagery noise, due the poor quality of the image. IMO your point is not solid enough to confirm all these odd details in her face, are imagery artifacts. ucalien.

  6. Jun 1, 2009 · This 'Religion' is trash: I stopped reading after: 111. Therefore, the agenda of the 1st Lemurian church prioritises the following goals; A. the merger of the world-banks with the world religious institutions. 1. tax-exempt status would apply to both: a. neither any officer of the church nor any banker would be taxed.

  7. Jan 20, 2007 · reply to post by Anonymous ATS. There appears to be a a problem with the MAC-QUAN-1 where it requires the use of tether cables to operate. My guess is that it tumbles uncontrollably without the tethers. I suspect Mike Marsden had a plan to build MAC-QUAN-2 to resolve this problem to free the device from the tethers.

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