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  1. A year ago, I stood alone. I believed that our survival was more important than our principles. I was wrong. Do we need a mutiny today to prove who we are?Michael Burnham to Katrina Cornwell Admiral Michael Burnham was a female 23rd century Human Starfleet officer raised on Vulcan by Ambassador Sarek and Amanda Grayson following the death of her parents. As a commander, she served as the first ...

  2. Oct 23, 2017 · Sarek chose Spock, who ironically would go on to reject the Vulcans' offer and join Starfleet himself. Sarek's decision, on the surface, might seem as cold and logical as any other Vulcan would make. As a biological half Vulcan, Spock likely would have had the easier time integrating into the Vulcan Expeditionary Force.

  3. In Discovery, we see Sarek use his telepathic abilities and mind melding techniques frequently. While we've seen our Vulcan heroes (Spock, Tuvok, T'Pol) use mind melds many times, there has always been a sense of trepidation and a stressing of caution about the possible neurological consequences. However, Sarek seems willing to use his abilities with little con

  4. Oct 2, 2020 · Sarek Did the “Logical” Thing. In the episode “ Journey to Babel ,” when Spock asked Sarek why he married Amanda, Sarek answered, “At the time, it seemed the logical thing to do.”. They both look at each other again with the love and devotion that couples have for each other. Since that episode aired in 1967, speculation about why ...

  5. Vulcan (. Star Trek. ) Leonard Nimoy and Arlene Martel portray male and female Vulcans. Vulcans, sometimes referred to as Vulcanians, [1] are a fictional extraterrestrial humanoid species in the Star Trek universe and media franchise. In the various Star Trek television series and films, they are noted for their attempt to live by logic and ...

  6. Dec 15, 2017 · These three or more Vulcan offshoot cultures may be primitive ones protected by the Prime Directive and studied in secret or full fledged members of interstellar society that Humans and Vulcans sometimes met. Presumably these Vulcan offshoot people dress and behave differently than Vulcans and so can be told apart.

  7. May 14, 1990 · Review Text. Famed Vulcan Ambassador Sarek (Mark Lenard) comes aboard the Enterprise to conduct delicate negotiations with the Legarans, an alien species that Sarek has single-handedly been able to open relations with on behalf of the Federation. Sarek intends to seal the talks as the crowning achievement in his storied career.

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