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  1. › wiki › Main_PageIllogicopedia

    The Illogiblog. 12 Years of Illogicopedia. Forged in the Golden Age of Humour Wikis, Illogicopedia remains at the forefront of Internet nonsense some twelve years later. Back in 2005, Wikipedia jettisoned its humorous content to the Uncyclopedia, a shameless parody of the original free encyclopedia.

  2. The Pencil Incident. to have made it onto the front page. The Pencil Incident, sometimes called "The Great Pencil Tragedy of 10:01", refers to the historical event that occurred on October 15, 2007. It is one of the most influential, most controversial, and most debated upon topics in world history.

  3. From Illogicopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Supposedly a picture of the universe, hailed by scientists around the world. ... 3.2 What happened to 'matter ...

  4. Vandalpedia:Nothing to Cough At. Stuff from the front page Vandalpedia, 2019–2022, before and during a feverish little age in which Illogicopedia mainly remained in bed. As the title indicates, it truly passes muster . Democraps lol repooplicans lolollololololol.

  5. What happened to me? I can't remember a thing! Did I hit my head? Did I slip and fall? This is bizarre. Wait... It's coming back to me. I was talking about something, and then I slipped on a banana peel. Well, that's a relief. *walks forward* *slips on banana peel* *gets up* Huh? Who am I? Who are you? What is this site? And the cycle goes on ...

  6. › indexIllogicopedia

    The Illogiblog. 12 Years of Illogicopedia. Forged in the Golden Age of Humour Wikis, Illogicopedia remains at the forefront of Internet nonsense some twelve years later. Back in 2005, Wikipedia jettisoned its humorous content to the Uncyclopedia, a shameless parody of the original free encyclopedia.

  7. This is what really happened in the movie [edit | edit source] The story starts when Aslan is telling Iorek Byrnison something what the Road Rovers told that was told to them by Tintin, who in turn had been warned by Jaspion. There's no reason to think this was not the result of Aristotle's cracked mind...

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